i am new to this forum, it looks like a good one :-)
i am working on a customer's car, a fiberfab speedster into which we are putting a type IV engine with DTM upright cooling shroud.
i am a relative newb when it comes to this type of vehicle, although i am very familiar with aircooled VW's. what i am looking for is reference on what people have done with the sheet metal that surrounds the engine. the DTM kit comes complete with the engine tin itself, but the speedster has no sheet metal at all in the engine bay, so we have to fabricate. what have people done in the area? what are some treatments for the seal between the engine sealing tin and the tinwork attached to the chassis?
i have considered cutting an original VW chassis to get the main lower apron section, the benefits of this are you could then use the stock rubber seal, and the shape would be perfect. any other good ideas? photos?
one of the reasons we need a new engine in the speedster is because it was overheated due to a complete lack of sealing tin between the upper and lower sides of the engine. we also want more grunt, which the type IV will provide. we also want the tinwork to dress up the engine bay. thanks for any input.
scott lyons
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