Hi All,
My Florida sourced CMC has been pretty much up and running for a while now, but due to UK paperwork complications, (Kit, imported, lhd etc etc), I just have not had the time to get it all sorted out....
So I sent it away to get all of that messy paperwork stuff sorted out by a guy who knows the system. Trouble is, he's 350 miles from me.
Long story short, I had it trailered down, took the train down and collected it yesterday. Now, this is a brand new build, zero miles, engine has no more than 2hrs running since I rebuilt it.....
With a great deal of trepidation, I set off from his place....it cut out before I got to the end of the drive....Bugger, not a good omen...Restart, popping and banging, I made some progress to the gas station. Filled up, petrol welling up thro the sender ..., ohh well mopped it up and set off, into the worst rush hour traffic...(it was 17:00 and Birmingham)
Ohh, by the way, the car has no top on just yet, and I was driving to Scotland :) The gods smiled and the weather turned out great, and even without heating, I drove the first 150miles in shirt sleeves untill the sun went down!
Cruising at 65, with a big smile !!!!!
Made it to within 3 miles on my home, then.....Alternator pulley, exploded, wrecked fanbelt and totalled the face of the alternator. So a great and quick service from the recovery guy got me home.
All in all, a fun day out !!
So, now I need to attend to the small list of items needing rectification, (Mile counter not working, gauge illum, fuel leak and get gauge working, adjust gearchange a little, few squeeks and rattles), Trim, paint and enjoy ! (anyone have a 914 Speedo gauge for sale?)
I think I'll use it as is for a while...(ohh and get the top fitted, its scotland after all !)
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