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MusbJim posted:

^ Looks kinda like your engine, Will! 

P-car engines have throttle linkage located behind the fan shroud. 

Desert Fox and Jim (and any others who frequent my Eye Candy posts,

It's called Eye Candy for a reason, it's Eye Candy.

Not Porsche only candy though that has been the theme until today.

I'm going to post P-car and F-car (fake-car) photos which to me, are eye-candy, things I like to look at, things that inspire me.

And yes, I know the P-cars linkage was behind the shroud, mine's in front because it's (almost) impossible to put behind with a stepped-out upright cooler and because it's easier to install in front of the shroud and because my gorgeous hard-line for fuel is behind the shroud, IM(not so)HO Porsche shoulda done it my way!

I guess the whole premise of FC (fake cars) is that we can do it our way as the famous crooner sang.

And our way is what makes these cars fun.

Last edited by Will Hesch

Love the stuff you post, Will; don't stop. Your engine looks period correct (which is what I know you're after!). Not my cup of tea (but you already know that!) but I appreciate it for what it is. As Stan has said, it's a big tent and there's room for everybody (even Ed!, and his isn't even the right shape. Although it is plastic, and it does use some VW stuff though. I guess that's enough!)

This is what I consider one of the more gorgeous Speedsters out there. 


The clean lines with no side trim are the epitome of what the Speedster shape is about (to me, anyway). If this car lost the overriders and was sporting alloys (7" R's on the back, of course!) that would be it! 

Does anybody know anything about this car?


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Last edited by ALB

I've been thinking for awhile that it would be cool if someone started a thread where every owner would post a pic or two (sideview and interior) and a few lines of information (brand, engine size, year etc) of their cars. I keep reading names that have become familiar but for the most part, have no idea what cars they drive.

WNGD posted:

I've been thinking for awhile that it would be cool if someone started a thread where every owner would post a pic or two (sideview and interior) and a few lines of information (brand, engine size, year etc) of their cars. I keep reading names that have become familiar but for the most part, have no idea what cars they drive.


I work with what I've got, mostly P-car photos of incredibly rare and expensive and mostly never driven cars.

I would love to post photos of your/our cars as well so send them to me:

will AT centralcoastbassfishing DOT com and I'll post them.

edsnova posted:

If I ever build a Speedster I'm gonna go for that "period-correct" fake P-engine look, as far as possible. Oil Filter, low linkage, air filters . . . whatever I can do to make it look Porschey. 

I dig it a lot. 

If I ever get a Cab it's getting Subilified though. 

I dig the old stuff too, Ed. But common sense,  $$$ and time available makes me, like most stuff in life, a compromise. 

When you drive my car this year at Carlisle, ...I don't think you'll go back. You might try to make it sound better....even in the old direction and I hope you do...but you won't likely go back, Amigo....

I like the original P car I had but in reality I think I can say without a doubt that the mystic of old stuff grows old rather fast if your not a collector.  Especially if you want to drive the car... so DRIVE IT ... drive it... and I drive it cause I like it .... plain and simple ...

I do have to give a more detail explanation than I want to, at a stop, like when I put gaz into the front trunk, but essentially I tell them it is an Intermeccanica.... the usual reply is "A what?  " I repeat an Intermeccanica and I try to leave it there.  

Since this model of car is so not seen it gets too much attention most times... just like an attractive women who gets tired of the stares... I am finally understanding what that feels like El Guapo is right "just drive it, enjoy it" with a BIG GRIN...


Thing is, I really do get off on old stuff and detail. I really get off on fixing and messing with stuff. 

I love driving the car—don't get me wrong. I like driving long distances, and I like driving to brunch. I even like driving to work—and I especially like it when, while at work, I have to drive out to some news event. (One morning last year I took Bridget to a murder scene where police cadets were canvassing for witnesses. You'd think it'd be highly inappropriate to show up to that in what looks like a historic race car, but one of the best things to do at a somber or horrific scene is distract from the horror. It's a real ice-breaker).

And I'm very happy with the Sube swap, so far, in that it's way up on power, gets much better mileage, and is easier to manage, maintenance-wise, than the 250,000-mile 1500 it replaced. And that low boxer rumble rocks balls!

Bonnet closed, Bridget regularly passes for the real deal. I've had TD-owners ask about this or that detail in the interior, or why my top stays are tubular (one of the last remaining "tells" on the car). I always tell them she's a BCW kit, and I always get admiring feedback then. Of course, there's no way to make the car look "period correct" once the bonnet is raised. It's always..."where's the engine?" So there is no downside to the Suby vs a Type 1 VW.

The Speedsters, though. You can make them look really, really close. Double-take-close. And doing so doesn't apparently compromise power or drivability (with the very rare exception of needing to pull the umbrella-handled e-brake during a panic stop).

I like it when it takes an expert's eye to know it's a fake. That's just me.

I'd like to do an outlaw '55 with beehives and early dash, with the whole car, including the engine, kitted-out in period-looking race accessories. On my budget, it'll probably never happen, but the dream is real.


Jack Crosby posted:

Winged--I think this is a great idea.  I guess we could do it on this thread or someone start one just for posting members pictures and info.  I'd sure liske to see everyone's cars and info about tem and maybe something about the owner too. This could possibly be a separate forum too?

I really think it would have value for new and prospective members/lurkers here. But it should be started my someone much more senior here than me in my opinion 

Will Hesch posted:

gotta love this engine, I do!


Everybody's got something that makes them go weak in the knees. Your engine does that to me, Will. Clearly, I went a different direction with mine. But I really, really love the late '50s vibe of a "period correct" engine like yours.

I haven't really cared what somebody else thought was cool since high-school. I don't know if it was because I circled just outside the upper echelon of cool or if it was because I was able to see that lots of the guys who were all that were just slavishly following after somebody else's idea of what was cool.

My faith meant that I was never going to "crack the cool-kid code", but the more it (my faith) took hold of me, the less I cared anyway. I was blessed to find pretty early on that if something was important to me, it was a part of me whether other people understood (or liked) it or not. Trying to be something else is just a dead-end. The same attitude spilled over into most corners of psyche- if something was cool to me (regardless of what anybody else thought), than it was unlikely to change much.

Fast forwarding 25 years (and bringing this back around to speedsters): somewhere (way down inside), an analog mechanical engineering dead-end (rear-engined, air-cooled) strikes that chord in me. I really, really dig on stuff that is at the very end of it's likely development. The struggle of making an 80 y/o platform work in a modern world presents challenges that I want to overcome, even if there are easier and better ways of doing it. I care a lot about something that everybody else left behind 40 years ago.

In the corn-belt, nobody understands a plastic clown car with a fancy lawn mower engine. I don't care.

Terry Nuckles once said that these cars are like paper-dolls for middle aged men. We try on different outfits until we get one we like. I feel like I'm mining something buried deep down in my core, and I've uncovered (layer by layer) the shining gem of what really, really lights me up. It's tough when an avenue you are pursuing turns into a dead-end, but it happens. I suppose that's why I stay interested after all these years and why I've tried a bunch of different outfits on my paper-doll. By fits and starts I'm getting to what's cool to me.

Along the way, I stopped aiming at originality and started coloring outside the lines. It's the details that make the thing, once the broad structures of what you are after have been established. I completely understand and appreciate the difficulty of replicating a Porsche flat 4 with a Type 1. I just went another way.

I suppose the fixation on whatever goal you are aiming at is what ties us together on this site. We're all headed in different directions to one degree or another, but we're all equally intent on making our cars exactly what we want them to be.

Will (and others) clearly get that. That's one of the reasons I really like this site.

WINGD---there's no pecking order here.  If you start the "Pictures and Profiles" forum I'd happy that you did and so would everyone else.  Start with brushing the idea past Theron for his help with the format.  Man---I'd love to see a collection of 100-200 Speedster replicas along with profiles about the cars and owners.

We Spyders and like MGs too so maybe we'd open it up to them or even a separate forum for each kind?

This would be a HUGE plus for this SOC site and would encourage others to get on board the Speedster/Spyder/MG bandwagon!


Go for it, man.

The previous SOC format included with each members' profile, a portfolio of pictures that they've posted of their cars as well as their miscellaneous thread responses. When you clicked on the members' avatar it took you to their respective picture portfolio (quite a few of which contained close to a hundred pictures).

When Theron switched to this current format that option was not able to be included.

 If you click on a members' avatar, you will see the members' profile as well as some member info and stats of their current car. Each member can also add additional pics of their car (which I have done on mine).

Each member can edit their profile to include additional pics of their cars for other members to reference.

Click on my avatar to check. 

oops...just saw Robert M's similar advice on another thread!

Last edited by MusbJim

@Will Hesch - It just dawned on me that my response may have ruffled some feathers

^ Looks kinda like your engine, Will! 

P-car engines have throttle linkage located behind the fan shroud. cool 

It was merely a tongue-in-cheek response to your "How so"? reply to DSRTFOX's similar tongue-in-check comment "very sneaky". 

Both comments (particularly mine) were not intended as an affront to your pic choices (or P-car expertise) for your Eye Candy thread, but merely playful comment one would chide a buddy with in good fun.

Unfortunately, my & DSRTFOX responses seems to have been misconstrued (as often happens with internet discussion even with playful imogees). It was not my intent to throw shade on your thread. 

For the poor, every day brings trouble, but for the happy heart, each day is a continual feast!
Proverbs 15:15

Last edited by MusbJim

Guapo, I'm good, I look at my response to you and Foxes replies and I can see how you might think I was ruffled. I might have been, but mostly wanted everyone to know that the eye-candy thing is simply my way of posting images that seem to belong on this forum, things that get me going.

And, I have to admit, my engine photo certainly threw everyone a curve-ball after all the real P-cars I've been posting. From now on, there will be both P-car and F-car images, they're all good, speaking of which, we need to get your Bellaza Negra on the eye candy one of these days, please send me a couple of your best photos?


WNGD posted:
Jack Crosby posted:

Winged--I think this is a great idea.  I guess we could do it on this thread or someone start one just for posting members pictures and info.  I'd sure liske to see everyone's cars and info about tem and maybe something about the owner too. This could possibly be a separate forum too?

I really think it would have value for new and prospective members/lurkers here. But it should be started my someone much more senior here than me in my opinion 

See my forum topic titled "Persolized Member's Car Section" and it describes how to do that. 

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