So being on the other side of the world we dont' have access to the stuff that many of the folks in the US and Europe have, so we have to make a plan. "maak 'n plan" as they say locally in South Africa.
I've been working on my build for the better part of 14 years and I'm finally getting somewhere, this while trying to keep the car driveable, licenced and roadworthy.
The interior was the one thing that I wanted to do right and the carpets was the biggest thing. Enter DIY square weave.
Firebird and myself sourced these carpets from a local hardware store almost 5 years ago and until now I have been sitting on it. That was until his Mum offered to do the binding. A colour was chosen and off we went.
Total cost:
R750 for the 3x3m carpet - $37.50 :-)
R120 for the binding - $6
I know I's expensive.......
Overall, I'm dead chuffed and over the moon. The next step is the threshold, kick panels and the front section.