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To everyone, I thank each of you for making the drive to participate in this fun-filled event (not to mention the drinking and driving, er driving then drinking).


My sincerest apologies go out to Vince from GERD (who wasn't there) and myself who good-naturedly hijacked Vinces' raffle event!  Thanks for being such a great sport, but then that's why you are one of a kind my friend.  Great pics (except for the one with me in the foreground stuffing my face, but touche!)!!


Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, save for the lunch issue.  And Larry is right, the blast through the canyon to finish the day of driving was outstanding!


Each of you clowns hold a special place with my family.  And, I can say without a doubt that we all look forward to this event just so we can visit with each and every one of you.


Until next year!!!!

Originally Posted by slofuzz:

Forgot to mention,,,someone left one of those angled screwdrivers behind where we were working on Teby's car.  You know the one, the philips head on one end and slotted on the other bent at different angles with a knurled center shaft.




Scott, I'm pretty sure that's Terry's. We must have missed it when scanning the curb for tools.


And speaking of Teby, has anyone heard from him? Hope he made it back OK.


With all the king's wrenches and all the king's men, we still couldn't get to all of his idle jets. I think his manifolds place the carbs about an inch closer to the side bulkheads than on my car.


At any rate, if his phone's busy, he's probably on the line ordering a set of these:








Images (1)
  • JC_allen_idle_jet_holder_97120409

GANG:  Scott thank you so much for a great time as always..I had as blast and lots of laughs with all of you.. Its getting to be an extended family for me..


Its been an honor to have met all of you and I continue to enjoy this once a year tradition. What makes it even better are all the new members that have ventured down to SLO to experience the weekend.  It's great to see our group grow with top quality people whom have no problem lending a hand in a time of need to people they hardly know.. That to me makes this group and event OUTSTANDING!!! 


 I did make it home, it was a bit rough but I had my wing man / women Robert and Nancy staying tight by my side.. seems I had a little more than Idle jet issues more like main jets too..  lots of pedal jockeying on the way home but I got her there safely


special thanks to Mitch and Scott for their help..  Terry I will send you a replacement for your tool kit Sorry...



I will be attending the tour de hoe in September.. Cant wait..


Everyone please have a great summer!!


looking forward to 2016 SLO 


best Regards







As Terry Nuckels would say, I lost my virginity last week.


I was nervous. There were some awkward moments. I'll be better at it next time.


But I learned that if you are confident when it counts and carry protection just in case, it is possible to go touring in a Speedster.


And it can be the most fun you'll ever have with your top down.


Besides our days in SLO, we spent time in Monterey, did the coast road through Big Sur twice, and conquered Pacheco Pass. Eight hundred miles and six nights on the road in a Speedster. Not much in the Republic of Stanistan maybe, but I considered it a personal triumph that when we got home, we were still on speaking terms.


The hairiest part was Pacheco Pass. It was 55 degrees and foggy on the coast, but in the central valley, Sacramento was cooking up its famous 90-degree heat - a convective recipe for 30-knot cross winds over the pass. And gusting to omigod. When you're threading through the 18-wheelers at 75 mph and jumping sideways three feet with every gust, you learn to stay focused - very focused.


You learn how much suspensions have improved in 60 years. You learn to hang on to the wheel very tight. You learn that the Armco barriers on California highways are just about the same height as a Speedster windshield frame. You learn the power of prayer.


We stopped for breakfast and to warm up and to steady our nerves at Pea Soup Andersen's in Santa Nella on the other side of the pass.


It was the best western omelette I've ever had.





Yes, I believe being scared shitless and surviving does an amazing thing to one's appetite.  Food (that is to say life) never tasted so good.


Sounds like the Best Coasters had a really great time, esp'y with Vince's new friends at pool side.  I'll have to arrange to come west again sometime.  My first experience w/ the PCH and the Cali coast was in '67 in my old A coupe.  Great trip that was.  Out on the road about six weeks that was.  Coast to coast and back again.

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