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O.K., it looks like I'll arrange for the "3rd Annual SOC Duffy Cruise of Terror" for either April 22nd or 29th (both dates are Sunday).

This is always a good time of cruising the Newport Beach Harbor for a few hours then stopping off for dinner at one of the marina restaurants. We'll start a tentative head-count (the more the merrier) and work out details as the time draws near.

Aaaarrrrr! The Axis of Evil plundering the open seas...

The more the merrier! Each Duffy can hold 12 people. If we have more we can get a 2nd boat. If we get 2 boats, the cost would vary between $20-25 per person for this 2-hr cruise (based on minimum of 16 people).

If we get 2 boats, we can side-tie and party as one group while we cruise the marina. We can have pot-luck snacks/appetizers as we have before then have lunch somewhere in the Marina (optional).

Since we are shooting for a Sunday cruise, I suggest a start time around 12:00 so folks can be homeward bound around 4:00pm.

Peace - Out!
I have a thing about cruising on 'Duffys'. Whenever I board a 'Duffy' - after the Duffy leaves the dock and I begin to settle in - I start to hum "It's a Small World After All". After a couple of times through the refrain, I usually look around and begin to worry about what will become of me, and my companions on the Duffy, if the Duffy becomes unhooked from the track and we begin to drift. It can be unsettling.
O.K., so far the crew list is;

Musbjim & Ginny
Cuzn Vinny & Terri
Gerd 'The Terrible' & Carrol
Robert 'Bobsled' & Tamara
Roy M (and guest?)
Larry Bull (and Chrissie?)

1. This is the passenger limit for the Duffy we're taking. Please confirm your attendance. 10 passengers will put the cost at $20/person, 12 passengers = $17/person.

2. Tentative meeting time at the location listed on the link below = 12:00 noon.

3. Pot-luck snacks & drinks.

4. We should be back on the dock by 2:30-3:00 PM and can decide on a place to eat after the cruise.
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