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i got it from some outfit in arizona, they were cheaper than cip1. it is supposed to be 16 gallon but since tank is empty i will figure it out real quick.
ive had enough for today...tomorrow.
add small amt of gas and check for leaks
bolt tank down
reglue carpeting, it still fits but some glue shows but black paint will take care of it.
cut hole in underside of hood(i did this on my last car and there is no way the hood is going to shut flush w/o cutting hole, even with the special low gascap.
IF the gas cap doesn't clear the inner panel, you should know that there is over an inch clearance between the inner panel and the outer panel in the area of the gas cap. When I swapped for a larger tank, I just cut a 3 inch dia. hole in the inner panel.

I'd understand if you didn't want to do that! Just thought you should know the possibilities.

Bob---looks great--congrats. Fill us in now;

Did the gas gauge work ok after the install? Did you have to modify it?

Did you cut the hole for the gas cap? What did you use to make the hole?

What is cthe capacity of your tank, where did you buy it and how much was it?

I'm very tempted. My Type IV wants longer legs than the little 8 gallon tank I have now.

Thanks for the info!
i did cut the hole, 3 1/2 hole saw using right angle drill or if not u will have to take the hood off
gas gauge is working but not sure how accurate yet till i put some miles on it.
i put in 3 gallons here, drove 1 mile to gas and it took another 9.6 gal till it first clicked, so that gives me 12.6 gallons . next time i will lift nozzle further out fill hole and see how much more i can squeeze in. im sure it will be around 15.
Herewith SOCs ugliest float arm extension. It's redeeming feature is that cost nothing and it works.

About capacity - I usually re-fill around the 1/4 mark (at which point the gauge starts bobbing and weaving like the shortest guy on a basketball team). At that point, the refill is 12 gallons, which puts total capacity right at 15 or 16 gallons.

I never did get a taller top carpet, add that to my list.


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  • Extended float arm
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