TC, man, I didn't know any better. I bought some early 911 seats to put in their place, then sold the place with the garage, blah, blah, blah.
I got next to nothing for the seats from the 911, too. I'm really not cut out to be a merchant, it seems. I'd be in business to lose money.
I put the crappy seats back in because summer was coming two years ago, then tossed those this winter when I got back from the war. I didn't even think about it.
I got the present JEGs seats 'cuz the jalopy will be curbside in all weather conditions.
You have a deal -- and so do the gang here. Anything I feel like I'm about to part with, you'll specifically have first dibs.
Gimme an address for the skins. All I have to do is trace the outline onto a refirgerator box as a template. Then they're yours!
Any chance you have a line on some amber 6" Hellas I can mount in front of my hoopty's snout holes?
She's looking a bit too much like Miss Piggy just now.