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Took 3 days but I've dug the car out of the snow enough to maybe drive it tomorrow. Supposed to be minus single digits so that's the plan.

Put the magnetic heater on and point the Herman Nelson under it... Supposed to be windy so I'll strap the skis and kite on the back and drive out on the ice road on Great SLave Lake. Post pictures if indeed I get the car out tomorrow. Will be the earliest since I've owned it.

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Took 3 days but I've dug the car out of the snow enough to maybe drive it tomorrow. Supposed to be minus single digits so that's the plan.

Put the magnetic heater on and point the Herman Nelson under it... Supposed to be windy so I'll strap the skis and kite on the back and drive out on the ice road on Great SLave Lake. Post pictures if indeed I get the car out tomorrow. Will be the earliest since I've owned it.

I don't know about suggestions for cold climates Pat. I drive mine down to about minus 10 or 15 C here but I removed the heating. Could probably get away with less with heat. Have driven it at minus 30. I usually leave a window open a bit so the windshield does not frost up.

The other thing about here is that they do not plow the roads...our street now is alomost 2 feet higher due to the packed snow. This makes for very slippery driving and these cars do not handle well in that. You have to be aware that the car is very light and especially when braking you have to careful or you'll just keep slidding staight.

Posted a pic from yesterday but the snow pilled up behind the car was about 7 or 8 feet and the sun was out so its a little over exposed! Just dug it out of the snow bank, charged the battery and since it went up to zero didn't bother heating the engine. A few tries and she fired up. I sure miss driving it over the winter!


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Hey Brian, Mike here. You dug it out of the snowbank? Does that mean your car stays outside? In temps of -50C......

Snow is melting here. Still 4 feet on the ground but supposed to hit 12C (55F) this week. It's going fast. Another 2 weeks and were off. Have tons of NEW parts from CIP1 being delivered this week for upgrades.

Cheers and happy motoring. I would love to see a pic of kite sailing or whatever you call it.... keep your toque on.


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  • bob
Yep Mike...stays out under all weather cover even at minus 40. It even starts at minus 30 with some coaxing...those Webers don't have a choke!

Here's a couple pics of buddies out on Yellowknife Bay, Great Slave Lake last March. Its a blast but a bit dangerous...last Dec I had a new 15.5 meter kite I bought out for the first time (just learning) and the same day in Edmonton a fellow was killed on the same kite when a freak 100 kmph gust caught hime, lifted him up and slammed him into a building. Some of my friends knew the guy fairly well...

That's what's nice about here...there's very little high buildings around or mountains that can create those things.



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Mike, there's actually at least one manufacturer of traction kites in your province...I know some folks who have bought them. A lot of guys here have changed to the Flysurfer model from Germany. Its expensive ($2,500 +) but the inherant safety in their design is next to nothing else on the market.

Keep an eye on Ebay for kites. Ebay Germany is where most used Flysurfer's come from but I have seen them in Canada and US. I bought mine used from Arizona for $600.

Also, read up on kitesurfing. This sport is very dangerous and most of the mags have at least one or two obituaries every publication...and that's over water. Add in kiting on a hard surface and you get the picture.

I picked up a "trainer" kite first and put a few hours on that. The sport is about 80% kite flying and 20% skiing or boarding.

There's also a Skimbat and I have one of those too. Its much safer, about 20-30 minutes to learn but you need big wind. Here's a link to a place that has some videos of

I picked mine up used again from Sask for about $400.

Sure makes winter seem shorter!
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