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I'll tell you my fun-filled Sunday at Carlisle. I got up early this morning (80% chance of rain) said "screw it I'm taking the Speedster!", drove all 2 hours to Carlisle (last 1 1/2 hrs in pouring rain), register, drive to the replica car area and what do I find.........................NOTHING! Everyone left! It was 11am and everyone had packed up. I'll fill in the REALLY fun stuff in another thread.
Here's a short description of the weekend (pictures later) ... Thursday after most arrived we drove a great backroads route to the Caddy Shack for dinner. Super drive! No rain!

Friday we toured the Harley plant at York, PA. Rained so heavily we couldn't see across the street. Rained ALL day, too. Luckily we had quite a few cars and SUVs available and pooled our resources to get there. Not a Speedster in sight!! Met for a great lunch at the Bubbling Springs Tavern. What a great and historic place.

Then came Saturday ... Great day! No rain, lots of cars, great people and many "lookers" to see our cars. Met lots of folks, saw lots of cars, got lots of ideas for additions to our cars. Rain started about 5pm and we ended up taking the SUVs to dinner again !#$#!. A really good Italian dinner was served followed by a couple of awards, some "travelogues" and a drawing for many good prizes.

Sunday we woke up to more RAIN !! Everyone pulled off their "custom blue tarp, WalMart Speedster covers" and split for home. It was a good weekend but way too much wet stuff. I am in favor of calling this year's event "Speedsters, Spyders and SUVs at Carlisle".

Lovely Miss Sharon and I loaded our car on the trailer and boogied towards our granddaughter's in Ohio. It rained from 8am until 2pm. The last three hours was sunshine and we felt absolutely blinded!

That is it in a nutshell. Thanks to all who made it a success in spite of the weather.

Happy Trails,
Dusty and LMS
Hi Boys and Girls, Matt and I just got back, Its Sunday around 9pm. It was wonderful meeting all the by-lines face to face. We had a great time, thank you for making this a special event for Matthew and I. Enjoyed the company, camraderie, food drink and I might add the fine weather. Did not put a damper on the party. Its always about the people. Took a side trip to Gettysburg. It can't be done in a few short hours. Its hallowed ground. Its hard to believe the struggle that took place in that tiny hamlet. Ive GOT to go back, there is just so much to take in. Hope your trips home are uneventful. Thank you ALL again.

Sorry we missed you. Sunday is usually kind of a wind down, head for home day and after too much time in the rain we were ready to pack it in. We parked under the tent with Tom's coupe and Stacey's Speedster, had our last "egg sammich" of the weekend, and headed for home in the rain around 9:30 AM, also with no wipers - thank goodness for Rain-X.

This is the first really bad weather weekend in five years of the Speedster/Spyder meet so not too bad of a record. Hotfoot and I had a super time, it was great to see many familiar faces and meet some new enthusiasts. Thanks to everyone who had a hand in making the Meet a success inspite of the weather, especially to Gordon Nchols for another super job of organizing the event.
Yeah Vince I literally had puddles of water on the floors of my car driving home. I was sitting in a seat filled with water and with no heat I was freezing my a$$ off! Still I wouldn't trade driving one of these cars for nothing (well, nothing within $$$ reason).

No worries EC Bruce. I wasn't really suprised that everyone had left. I was just hoping to get a good look at some cars to aid in the decision making process of "Carrera-izing" of my Speedster. I think I saw there were 33 cars registered for Speedster/Spyders so I would have had a nice group to pick and choose from. Who knows where my project will be by next years show? I may still be trying to decide or I may have it all done? This much I know, when I saw the cars that Henry, Carey and John had there it made me really appreciate a well built car. It's inspiring. I've seen new Speedsters before but you kinda forget until you see one again.

Plus I'm really bummed I didn't get to meet Big Jim!
Will do, Jake.

I had a great time and must say it was a priveledge to meet the Guamaniac, representing the west coast! Can't wait for that video, with all the SEGs going on, Jim. That guy is a cool cat!

Gordon did ANOTHER excellent job running it again, thanks man.

Hope WBs dad is doing well, we missed you Bill.

The magician built a GORGEOUS car, you have to see it up close to really understand.

Sorry we missed you, Mickey, we were back at the hotel messing with some mechanical issues(not mine) before heading out Sunday, went to Waffle House for brunch then left at 1:30. I got home before 6pm.

We are going to have some smaller get-togethers throughout the driving season. These people are worth bumping into more than just once a year.

Three Spyders at Carlisle, an absolute improvement!!!!
Congratulations on selling the car! It looked awesome, especially with the white wall tires.

Everyone else:
Kelly, Cory and I are home safely (with Jim staying with Cory and me last night). Jim has been safely deposited at the airport for his flights home.

What a great weekend, and a great bunch of folks! It was so cool to connect the stories and bits of information with the faces and names.

I had a blast with everyone. And a special thanks to Tom and Danny for letting me get behind the wheel of their cars.

Cory has already been recruited to do a poster for next year's meeting, which will surely turn into shirts and a bunch of other SWAG.

East Coasters and the Plains-ers:
If you haven't checked out the thread about the fall event in Denver, you should. I think I'm going to drive [the Hoopty] to Colorado, via St Louis (Cory's parents are there). Looks like 1700 miles, one way. Anyone else for a drive?? C'mon caravan!
Well, guys and gals...

Chris and I waited for Tom DeWalt in his coupe to return from his Sunday morning meeting with John Steele (where Steele blew him off....again) so Chris could drive Tom's Speedster back to Easton, PA (about 2-1/2 hrs East of Carlisle). We left the hotel about 10am and got to the I81 on-ramp (where Chris' "Mighty Power Stroke" Diesel died last year) with Tom's coupe in the lead, then me in "Son of Mighty Power Stroke" with Chris at the rear in Tom's Speedie.

Right after we got onto I81....the Speedster died. No warning, it just died. I'm looking back in the mirror and no Chris and I look ahead and Tom's still accelerating.

Phone calls everywhere for a few seconds, but we head back, and by the time I got circled around and back to Chris, Tom had it running again (I still don't know what it was - sounded like wet Ignition).

Now it's raining like the blazes, BIG trucks and spray everywhere and we headed East without further incident. We got to Tom's place around 1pm and after he gets out he says: "Hey! Come look at "Lake Steele!!" so we look into his car and there's about an inch of water in the driver's footwell. Worse than that, it tapers down toward the rear so that when you step on the brake or slow down, this 4 inch high wave surfs to the front and fills your shoes. Tom had his pants rolled up to about the knee but they were wet up about a foot. His shoes were goners. Believe it or not, his Speedster, which has a number of leaks, was far dryer inside than the coupe, and that's AFTER Steele shipped the car back to California and supposedly re-sealed everything and said "it no longer leaks".


Chris got into the truck and, even though he had been in an enclosed Speedster, he was pretty wet as the top and header leaked about an average amount. Warmed him up quickly with the heated seat in the truck as we headed home. Took another 6 hours from there and it downpoured for 5-1/2 hours of that, but we got home OK.

This was an incredible weekend. Seemed like Everyone had some sort of problem, starting with Lane and me the week before. Leon's alternator pulley self-destructed and he rebuilt it at the show field (thank God for the flea market area), Kelly Frazer had Hydro-Lock (one cylinder full of water from the downpours overnight) and I noticed quite a few cars sputtering from "high moisture content" as they were first started and had to get water out of them. EVERYONE had leaks of some sort, but it didn't just rain, it came down in buckets. I put ten times more miles on my 4-door truck than I did on the Speedster |>( was really, really good to see everyone again. As someone mentioned up above, this is really a people event.

Speaking of people, our dinner speakers (and slide show presenters) this year were Jack Crosby and Dusty Johnson, Longest distance driven and trailered award winners. Those two are an absolute hoot to listen to!!

Lastly (for this post): We all found out from the West Coasters that Angela and Teresa are enough alike to be sisters, and that Lenny C. (the Spyder guy from Bristol, CT) looks a lot like Vince. They're everywhere......

Oh!....and when I got home after 9 hours of high speeds in constant downpours, the inside of Pearl was surprisingly dry - damp here and there, but not wet (wow!). Then I looked under the hood and there was about 6 inches of water in the spare well that had blown in under the hood - good thing the battery sits in a marine battery box!!!!! Too bad my rollup road tool kit was under water


We've GOTTA have better weather NEXT year!!

Oh! and the Harley Davidson Factory tour was da Bomb! (even if they ejected MusBeJim for wearing rubber "Croks" shoes - big safety issues, so they said, as a worker walks by wearing sneakers). Right.

Got in at 2:30 pm ....Computer locked up...I'm back on line....
Danny....Sorry I bled all over the place, and thanks for the spiritual if not moral support...the light bulb too of course....Hope we meet again in the near future...

MusbeJIM....My personal west coast wrench bender...Thanks for helping me keep my sanity....Those exploding Alt pulleys will push you over the edge....Stay in touch, and watch the screw in the bottom of that pineapple....

John and are both excellant nurse maids...It was indeed a comfort to have a rolling escort....The rigged pulley made it all the way without a problem...

The AWARD is going on the wall in the TOY BOX, or directly across from the porcelin BUDDA.....Suggestions?????

Imust thank every one for the companionship and the work involved in getting this show on the road......

Travel details tommorow....
nothing personal, but I gotta say The West coasters are a much better looking group, except for that Lenny C. guy....
It's so cool that the weather can suck the big one and with all the car problems, you still think about all the good stuff.....
That's one of the amazing things about the SOC folks, East and West.
The last two years we had rain at Paso, this year I was sicker than a dog, also my wife, but we still had a great times...
Can't wait till next year....And also a report from Jim I. on the east coast antics...
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