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I'll be buying a set of Marchal fog lights that Mango Smoothie sent me a link to, but they are available in clear and amber. What are your thought?

Here she is getting ready for paint. Same silver with black strips.

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Sorry, had a senior moment (as opposed to a senor moment, when I revert to Spanish).

My lamps are Marchalls, not Hellas. Hella never produced a nipple lens, because they're German (the people, not the lens) and Germans wouldn't do that.

BTW: Better fog lights used to be amber lensed before the 1980's, when computer designed lenses and reflectors were introduced. Those little babies could through a horizontal beam with an upper cut-off about 4 feet off the ground so you didn't get a lot of reflection back from the fog or whatever AND you could do it with less -xpensive-to-produce clear lenses.

Anyway, Amber fog lenses, to me, say old rally car while clear driving lenses say modern race car. Just me, I guess.
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