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This is the nightmare that haunts every P-car owner...








Background; Local SoCal restoration shop had several of their cars transported to the German Auto Fest (a large P-car gathering in Ventura). Transporter got high-centered on train tracks, freight train plowed through transporter)


Two (real) Speedsters, two 356 and 1 911 destroyed. Definitely gut-wrenching pics.


If these were replicas, simply replace them with another (with more goodies on it)! 

Last edited by MusbJim

I dropped out of PCA many years ago when I was driving a real Convertible "D", too many phonies, I joined a group called the German Air Sucker Society. Lots and lots of fun for anything air cooled and German. Don't think their around anymore. I rejoined PCA a few years ago when I bought another 912. However never participate in any of their events except the Hershey swap meet and summer crab fest.

Lots of great comments on this thread. I agree with almost all of you. You guys get it.


I built my car because at the age of 20, I saw a Beck 550 in VW & Porsche magazine(now European Car, or does that even still exist?). I still have that mag. I fell in love with the shape, and the concept that yes, even I could slap some parts together and actually DRIVE it. Yeah, now I am almost 49, but have been driving it for 8 years now. I have no intention of selling it, even if it gets difficult to get in and out of.


Nothing is like driving that thing, period! And you can't buy that new or used, it is built with my hands.


Questions, love them. You can tell if it is a car guy(person?) or not in a few seconds. And they reap what they sow. If they are genuinely interested, they get nice, polite responses that go as deep into the car as they like. If they aren't so nice, they get what they deserve, a bit of wise-ass.


I had one guy run, yes, actually run across a bank parking lot. I was at the ATM with my girlfriend(no, not doing ATM, that's GROSS) and this guy runs up to me ad rudely taps on the fender and says "I knew it wasn't a real one" and proceeds to tell me about his coupe and Speedster  blah blah resto blah garage blah. So I respond with, "so you ran across here to tell me I have a replica, don't you think I know that? Anyway, don't you wish you were out driving with your girl on a nice night like this, with a car this cool?" And with that, I left rubber as I pulled away. 



Just the opposite happened to me. I'm cruising through the very busy Wellfleet Harbor parking lot last summer when a guy whistles and hollers and flags me down.

He introduces himself to me as the president of the 356 club and says" I don't know this car". I told him that I wasn't surprised because it's a replica. He says "I know, I just love to see it out and about" He told me about his (several) real ones, wished me luck and invited me to hang out with them sometime. We chatted for a while and he made me feel pretty good about my fake car. Wish I could remember his somewhat unusual name, but he was a really nice guy. I'll bet Gordon knows him.

hey danny!! I too built a car due to a mag,almost 30 years ago a cute little girl(melonie troxel) had her  red 27 ford roadster(drag car)on the cover of hotrod.well I just had to have's still not finished,I only have about $40000.00 or so in it and need to sell it to finish my 356.oopsI ment get started on my 356 as it will sit under the carport under a car cover untill the roadster is gone. melinie troxel still races promod&funny car.and still looks great dointg it too. kinda funny how life gets in the way of fun sometimes.

There's a guy here in town who runs a used foreign car dealership and he has a nicely restored 1955 Speedster.  He was just OK with replicas as he couldn't see the reason for buying one (since they don't appreciate much) and I told him a little about mine but he still wasn't impressed.  A couple of summers ago we met at a local ice cream place one evening and swapped cars to go for a short ride (I really wanted to drive his to see what it was like - it was pretty gut-less).  When we reached his house he had a HUGE SEG and simply said, "OK, NOW I understand.....This thing's got Gonads!"

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