I ordered a couple clutch cables from Carey's folks in Indiana. They arrived just about two days later, and I've been working too much to really do anything on the car. I took the pedals out and cleaned things up a couple days ago, and finished the clutch cable today. Carey's cable fits perfectly for what I have, complete with the giant wing-nut and jam nut arrangement. Even the same thread pattern on the fork end. Incredible.
It hit me as I was staring at my pedal cluster this afternoon; I have a pulley in the house. Usually, a cable takes a couple people; one in the car and the other behind it. I thought to myself, "If I can attach this little quarter-inch pulley to the Bowden guide hole on the gearbox, maybe I don't need that second person."
So, that's what I did. I used a bit of butcher's string (about 15 feet or so -- the butcher cut it) and tied it to the old clutch cable before I pulled it out.
Then I used the same string to pull with one hand as I fed the new cable through a dollop of grease on its way into the tunnel. Left hand, grease. Right hand, string. Easy as pie.
The Sloppy Jalopy rides again. I set the pedal to about three-quarters of an inch of pedal movement before the clutch engaged; first time, right out of the 'chute. No further adjustments. I''ve never got it exactly right on the first try before.
Nothing quite like that feeling at the end of a long day. Let me also add that I'm very, very glad I opened up the bodywork and got the detachable steering wheel. That would have been an enormous PITA if not.
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