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Porsche 356 Speedster . The fiberglass body is excellent and only a couple of minor flaws and when I 
say minor I mean minor. From what I can tell all the parts that came with the kit are all here; headlight 
housings, turn signals, trim and all chrome are brand new in perfect condition in their original boxes. 
Seats, upholstery, door, trunk & lid latches and hardware are all here. shipping extra $450 in USA.! +6601126791 shipping wordwide in u.s.a.extra  $ 450 ! Hot  sale $ /3,800.00- / fiberglass body and all the parts/

FOR SALE: Replica/Kit Makes : Porsche 356 Speedster like this car... and all intem .. headlight 
housings, turn signals, trim and all chrome are brand new in perfect condition in their original boxes. 
Seats, upholstery, door, trunk & lid latches and hardware .


Images (6)
  • IMG_0919black poirse1
  • IMG_0905black porse3
  • IMG_0910black porse4
  • IMG_0912black porse5
  • IMG_0922black porse2
  • ebay681727
Original Post

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I feel like we have seen this exact kit for sale once before. It may have been this time last year. The photos are strikingly familiar. The uhaul/rental truck is what I remember the most.

Anyone else remember this one from last year? I feel like Gordon or Al made a comment about their amazement/hope that there were still fresh unstarted kits still out there waiting to be discovered.

Maybe I'm wrong?

I think I am going to stop buying cars altogether.  I saw an ad for a donkey, complete with cart and it was hauling the 10# of bullschitt Mr Scott referred to a moment ago.  I think that if I stick to the back roads or trails, I should be able to make it to the Wellness Center without mishap.  I'm not certain what I would do about parking however.  Also, I will need to locate one of those 5# bags so I don't get ticketed for littering.  

I'm not saying this is a scam. I will say that the OP only has two posts on the site. He liked his own post. His other post is for a luxury condo rental. It's very possible that he purchased this kit from the original seller or the buyer from Arizona. It could happen!?


I did find it odd that he originally had an avatar of a little boy in his profile, even though Luis identifies himself as a woman. I also found it odd that he used nearly the exact same ad content from the sale a year ago.


How could you possibly think this is a scam?






nah... it's a scam.



Last edited by TRP

The newest scam for internet purchases is for the seller to ask for your PayPal account information and they will deposit the money in your account.  They will send a very official looking receipt of monies received into your account etc.  The receipt is VERY well done it it will certainly appear that it is from PayPal but it will most definitely be a fraudulent receipt.  Looks like a scam, sounds like a scam, must be a scam.


The seller is from Thailand but that is sure looks like an Arizona license plate on that U-Haul.

Last edited by Robert M
Originally Posted by Rusty Smith - 2002 IM - Southern, CA.:

Guys I just bought it. Can't wait for it to get here.


Originally Posted by BobG '57 VS:

Sorry Rusty, but I bought it earlier today. Just wired the money to an offshore account in Malaysia or Asia or somewhere ending in an a.......

Sorry guys but I bought it.  


I convinced the seller to let me wire the money to a third party escrow account of his choosing.  I also asked if I could put the shipping fees on a Green Dot card and he agreed.  I also offered him more than he was asking just to seal the deal.

Last edited by Robert M

I just got an email from the shipping company. The car is on it's way. I also confirmed this with the seller. Sorry Bob you were too late. Also, Robert, the seller agreed to honor his deal with me as I sent the money first. Sorry. You will have to ask for your money to be returned. You people are such idiots. I know a deal when I see one so I jumped on it.



I cant believe they all fell for it!!  I just received not 1 but 3 payments and sent  that BS email mail about payment received and shipping..not to mention this Guy Jim is waiting to get a refund from a dating site back so that will be 4.. those stupid pics I got from the Knuckle Bros really worked.. But we have to be careful we can only do this once a year.. There are some very perceptive people on this site..  


Going on ebay now pick up some parts and grab lunch ...



Last edited by Teby S
Originally Posted by Teby S:



I cant believe they all fell for it!!  I just received not 1 but 3 payments and sent  that BS email mail about payment received and shipping..not to mention this Guy Jim is waiting to get a refund from a dating site back so that will be 4.. those stupid pics I got from the Knuckle Bros really worked.. But we have to be careful we can only do this once a year.. There are some very perceptive people on this site..  


Going on ebay now pick up some parts and grab lunch ...




I thought that ad smelled like Teby.  Now I know what the "S" in Teby S stands for. LOL 

Last edited by Robert M
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