As the two previous years, sweet bride and I are planning to be in the Fourth of July Parade in Farragut, a village in west Knoxville, TN. In the two previous years, we drove our VS Speedster, which incidently garnered a great deal of interest, both prior to and during the parade. She, I, our Cocker Spaniel and Algebra made the cover of the Farragut Press local throw-away. See Photos section.
In the unlikely event my SAW Cabriolet is not ready by that time, I plan to parade nekkid with a placard on my back advertising SAW and one on the front, strategically placed so I don't get arrested, with a picture of the car. Let's see now, If I use a 3" X 5" better make that a 5" X 7", on second thought an 8" X 11"....or maybe I should play it safe and use an 11" X 14".......
For Mitch's benefit, I will also wear a pair of original Don Martin character hinged shoes.
Please pray for a sunny day!
Savage John H.
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