A couple of decades ago, I was managing a group of Engineers who were designing some of the early 32-bit Mini-computers. We had a technician in the lab (Roger) who was actually older than all of the engineers, but he was a terific tech. Anyway, this guy rode a motorcycle to work (about 20 miles each way, a big part on I495 West of Boston) every day of the year. Had a different bike for Summer and Winter, but rode every day, Sun, Rain, snow, you name it.
We had been working down to the wire trying to get a new system debugged (our "great" Marketing folks pre-announced it without asking the designers - come to think of it, my Marketing guy back then was Ed Zander, who just recently "retired" from Motorola...) and we were working round the clock when we were hit with an 8-10 inch snow storm overnight. I got into work around 8:45am, when I was usually there before 7am, and as I was slogging through the parking lot, who comes tearing down the access road but Roger - ON HIS BIKE!! The front of the bike and the rider was completely covered in snow. It looked like a moving snow bank.
"Damn!" he said, as he was sloughing snow off of his snowmobile suit (at least the guy was prepared)....."Took me an extra 30 minutes to get here!!"
I couldn't believe it. I offered to see if the maintanence guys could find room for the bike in one of the heated garages to let it defrost, so we got them to make room, and he rode it over to put it under cover.
Later that day, after everythig had melted away, he moved it outside under a covered area to let it get cold, telling us "It won't collect as much ice on it on the road if it's cold when I leave."
I'm getting cold just writing about this.....