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It's been raining every day for almost 3 straight weeks....In the last 96 hours, We have had 22 inches at the house and over 30 around parts of Atlanta....If you plan on coming to Atlanta in the next week or so, DON'T!!!! Three interstates are closed, due to flooding, and hundreds of surface streets are also shut down....
Bridge inspection is expected to keep things screwed up for at least a week, and Ga. Power says they should have power back to normal, just as soon as the trees stop falling on the lines......
From a severe drought, to flooding in 3 weeks....Gotta love it!!! Lake Lanier went from 6 feet below pool to 2 feet below in just 48 hrs, and will probably exceede full pool within the next 48 hours.
Now I know why I love the mountains so much....

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.....  


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It's been raining every day for almost 3 straight weeks....In the last 96 hours, We have had 22 inches at the house and over 30 around parts of Atlanta....If you plan on coming to Atlanta in the next week or so, DON'T!!!! Three interstates are closed, due to flooding, and hundreds of surface streets are also shut down....
Bridge inspection is expected to keep things screwed up for at least a week, and Ga. Power says they should have power back to normal, just as soon as the trees stop falling on the lines......
From a severe drought, to flooding in 3 weeks....Gotta love it!!! Lake Lanier went from 6 feet below pool to 2 feet below in just 48 hrs, and will probably exceede full pool within the next 48 hours.
Now I know why I love the mountains so much....
Yahh, das schemmerboaten is sunkenbrauten...
Did someone mention Larry's son in Oregon? Here at Tenmile Lake in Oregon, the lake level has dropped to it's annual low. Low water level triggers an algea bloom when the weeds on the bottom of the lake get extra sunshine. The result is TOXIC water. Just got a notice to not drink, wash, ingest, inhale or otherwise go near the water.

This all comes into perspective when you realize that my house water is pumped directly from the lake, filtered and chemically treated before use. Officials "suggest" that filters may not be sufficient. This is getting to be an annual event because locals refuse to put a dam on the lake outlet to control water level. One good rainstorm will cure all this, but what a pain.

Naturally the local Chamber of Commerce try to downplay this event. Sorta reminds me of a cheap science fiction movie, with giant alligators in the lake or sharks in the ocean.
Latest updates.....One of the worst hit areas is Douglasville, where , I believe, Chuck Beck has his outfit....Hope he was able to get by without a problem.
Roostertail would be great, if it were not for the clean up afterwards.
Onion rings do float. The EPA is looking for the violator who created the two square mile GREASE slick.....Hmmmmm!
Sun came out about 10:00AM. Stepped onto the grass at 2:00PM, and the water just filled my loafers......Mowed the damn yard anyway!

COME ON OCTOBER 14th......
Leon, I just spoke to my friends in Lawrenceville, about 20 miles from you... They too are getting an inordinate amount of rain.. Fortunately, no damage so far. Hope you're doing well and haven't gone out and bought a boat.

My real concern is that "Real whorewives oop's housewives of Atlanta" will not be broadcast.
Georgia is pulling out the few financial stops that remain to get the Bridges and culverts inspected as quickly as possible and reopen the Interstates and surface roads as quickly as possible.
Nolan, I would think the repairs should be completed long before October 13/14....But you never know...I'll keep you posted...
The standing water in my yard vacated about 7:00PM yesterday, and I live on very high ground....Last summers drought, this fall's flood...Proof positive that if you don't like the weather in Ga., just wait a week....
Thanks all for the kind thoughts...
It's certainly weird, but while the Atlanta area has been getting their own 40-day-flood, the I-95 corridor along the coast has been relatively dry. We only got rain in Beaufort for the first time in two weeks in the past two days and it's been relatively light all the way up past Charleston.

Nolan: I would come up I-95 to Charleston and take I-26 to I-40. That should get you around most of the moistness and is about as direct as you can get from Lauderdale. If you overnight in Charleston, then you'll be getting to the hotel you guys will be at by mid-afternoon. the only worrisome hills on the trip will be once you get onto I-40 heading West, and they're not all that bad.

Gordon:....It won't be the same without you....Hope all is well and the new car is progressing.

Kelly:...Wife and I just rode over the problem lake, Lake Sydney Lanier, and it is indeed just about full.....The Corps of Engineers, caused a part of the drought when they overhauled the outflow guages on the dam's turbines...Some bright guy reused some parts from the old system, which threw the calibration out the window and they were discharging at over twice the reading on the guages.....Probably the same idiot that's been releasing water from the dam during the flooding.....Go figure!!!
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