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@JoelP posted:


I hope you’ve had better dealings with CSP than I'm having. I emailed them and asked if they could assist with giving me a parts list for what I would need to install a breather tower using 22M dual banjo fitting with 18mm hose; they said they could. Lo and behold, the parts CSP told me to buy are missing the adapter for the top of the breather tower which would allow me to use the 22M banjo bolt required for the dual banjo fitting. Ironically, this exact setup is pictured on the CSP website, so it's not like I'm pushing any boundaries. I was a bit miffed because only the person putting together the parts list would know the adapter would be required (this is the very reason I contacted them in the first place). Luckily, I hadn’t drilled by air filter assemblies yet. Sadly, I then realized they sent me a breather tower for a car with a generator. TBH, I didn't even know they sold different towers for alternator versus generator cars. Of course, my car has an alternator. I figured this would have been a question CSP would have asked me before putting together a finalized parts list. After all, if I knew everything about this subject, I wouldn't have asked for CSP's assistance.

All that said, CSP parts are clearly well-made, and I would use them eight days a week; however, I will NEVER recommend anyone rely on CSP’s "expertise" on thinking through application of their own products: think about it, CSP dual banjo fitting, CSP banjo bolt, CSP breather tower = requires CSP expertise to know an adapter is needed as the size of the opening at the top of the tower isn't publised.

Hopefully, they will send the adapter and an alternator bracket so I can be done with them.

Sorry for the rant, but other SOC members should know what ordering directly from CSP is like. Ironically, Steven at was the one who turned me on to how great CSP products are. I’ll be going through him for my parts needs, going forward.


Just to clarify, the one in my car is a Gene Berg unit. I see too many references to CSP.

Update. I will be ordering a Berg breather tower. Turns out I will need an entirely new CSP breather tower because the angles on the different breather towers are different, not just the bracket. Moreover, CSP won't return items - even if unused - from the US because of high shipping costs. They then suggested I simply try to sell the breather tower myself; like I have nothing better to do than get my money back for their employee's mistake. When I pointed out that their policy essentially means that all sales are final despite the genesis of the issue being their mistake, they simply went silent. When pressed further, CSP finally admitted their mistake, yet still said it was on me to provide basic information; again, how am I to know what I don’t know? Be warned: if you buy anything directly from CSP, you better hope there are no issues, because they would rather keep your $250 dollars today and lose the thousands you will spend later. Personally, I will never consider purchasing anything from them again.

Last edited by JoelP


You'll love this: later this morning I let them know that not stating "all sales are final" on their website is a violation of both US federal and EU consumer protection law. Suddenly, and most graciously, CSP agreed to allow me to send back my breather tower for a refund, provided I pay for the shipping and allow them to deduct the custom fees from the amount refunded (you better believe I'll be demanding to see a customs fee receipt). Both fees will likely total $70 - $80.

Sadly, I know this has nothing to do with customer service or doing what's fair. This is the only way they can continue selling products to US consumers without having to overtly state that they don't accept returns. As we all know, if you're not selling customized items, that's a tough statement to have plastered on your website.

I don't think they understand that if you're selling a product and expertise, you must excel in both the product AND the expertise. I won't deny that their parts are amazingly nice and well made. I just wish they would've taken the time to simply ask me questions instead of assuming facts, so they could've recommend the correct products. At this point, if I were to have Pat or Raby build me a motor, I'd explicitly state that no CSP parts could be used. I just can't reward a business that forces me to quote violations of law for it to honor its own policies.

Last edited by JoelP
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