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Ricardo -- Yes, "48" is a standard Dellorto size. The 48 comes in the regular and tri-jet version. (I think the tri-jet is only available on the 48). The 48 (especially the tri-jet) is considered by some to be the mother-of-all-carbs for VW aircooleds. Thus, they are somewhat coveted and generally sell "used" for comparatively large $$$ (considering they have been out of manufacture for many years).

You do need a really, really big 2-liter to start getting benefit from the 48s. I have a 2332 with 48 tri-jets, which is fun brag about. But in reality I have to choke down the vents to accelerate enough flow to make them drivable. Still, they are great fun at WOT.
Bill -- I originally had the 40mm the carbs came with. It ran great at idle and WOT. But it stumbled over itself in the mid ranges (98% of all driving). On advice from Jake, and others, I knocked my vents down in size. Instead of dropping one size to 38 I decided to go a big step to 36, just to see what happens. What a world of difference! I was so pleased I just stayed with the 36.

The 40mm were basically a straight tube. The 36mm have quite a bit of venturi shape to create low pressure for air accelleration at mid range rpms. I can't remember offhand how I'm jetted, but I think I'm settled back into exactly what the Tomlinson Dellorto book tells you to do in the first place.

I spent a LOT of time with the carbs, chasing problems that weren't so much the carbs themselves, but because the carbs were so big for the engine. Even tho it's a 2332 sucking through Street Elim heads and full sized valves, I wonder if Dellorto 45s might have been an equal choice. Certainly a less expensive choice. (But then, it's so much fun to say Dellorto 48 tri-jets!).

Anyway, they are quite manageable now and I haven't touched them in a year. On the other hand, they can be totally unforgiving if not kept in PERFECT balance. Once again, I don't think that's a problem because of carbs themselves, just that the carbs are so big that even a slight balance difference causes exagerated symptoms.

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