somebody has some of the decades on the samba for 300 a set, new, they say they have 3 sets they have in use and there great. like anything new to come out these days sometimes we get to do the testing. but they do have that 10 year of the guys st decade contacted me a few months ago about some of thier products&wanted an openion of a new product they were thinking about making, there not just copying, there trying to fill a space between what we have now and what we need, I do like the bigger fuel bowels on the carbs, thats a good addtion. if they copied the empi or even updated them some that would make for a great carb, the empis were updated over the old webers(but you cant convince a diehard webber"ex-spert"of that) I have always run twin carbd engines for well over 30 years now,mostly duell holly 4 bbls on tunnel rams or supperchargers. I was werry about webbers& that style of carbs for 3 reasons, 1 I knew nothing about them, 2 I had only worked on one 32 ford truck that had them on it, and 3 I knew nothing about them. so I got a few books on them, witch dosent realy tell you much from a real carb what does what &what does this&whats this for,&how to, molsty just reprinted stuff from days gone by, and some of that was rong. or 1 sided point of view(we all know how that is just read your thread) so after a lot of research & realy not a lot to go on I wanted a set of 44 idf's...they were now out of production... so incame the empi hpmx's I read up on them( but we all know how everything new is askuwed in the mags, and then by the diehardon ex-sperts toe other way) so I fiugured I had oh somany years building flowing modifying&racing&tuning oh so many diferent types of carbs I could change fix or modify any thing to do just what I want it to do. hear comes the good part. I ordered the hpmx 44 duel kit, the cheepest price I could find anywhere was a addvertized in hotvw's(and buggies,of corse) I think they were $469 for the compleate kit, not the delux kit but the basic, chrome air cleaner std intake kit, not the billet aircleaners&tallcb intakes, that was anouther $250. ( for a billet set of air cleaners and a set of $74. cb bigbeef intakes, not a good deal to me, so I got the intakes from cb lator when I needed a massive much better made intake for my 2332 motor) well when I called the place they tried to talk me out of them,they had somany problems with them they did not want to sell them to me, most problems were with the 40's for some reason. but he sent them to me and with zero warranty as expected. and of corse not jetted for the size carb it was, so I intaled them they ran like ****(small motor with big carbs, not jetted corectly and the flat spot in the 09 dist, made it real hell for the wife to drive)so i called empi and they sent me what ever jets I needed about 4 sets, I kinda wish I had just told them to send a compleate assortment, wtf it was free!!! but I didnt, just what I figured I needed, and then went to tuning. and got them pretty darn good for that size carb on a small motor. then fixing the dist curve I was able to put in a lot smaller idle jets & it was so smooth now, then put them on my 2332 and rejet, then onto my 2028 and there still about one of the best sets of carbs I have ever owned, so i bought another set for my big motorgoing in the 356 ( 2387~2922cc, havent totaly decided yet) but with all my racing& carb modifying & stuff these carbs have tought me a few things that I could of done to the hollys&other carbs. other than blending the top carb plate to the main body&fitting the booster vent better to these I realy have done no mods at all, there pretty fricken good as they are. unlike the holly 4bbls where all 4 bbls flowed a lot diferent than each other and takes a good bit of work with a flow bench for equalize them I think these are pretty close. there is about 80 cfm in the holly 750 with out going to a biger butter fly, just by equlizing the flow on all 4 holes and knocking out a lot of turbulance.and that did not include inlarging the ventouri's. there is a little left in these idf style carbs, but Im not racing any more so why bother for an extra few hundrad rpm &5~10 more hp at or around 8000 rpm.