It is not a bad idea to have a fuel pressure gauge in your carb gas line hook up. Using a electric pump calls for at least verification of the pressure once....using a mechanical pump is even more risky as their pressure can be dependent upon shimming the height of the pump, something that is seldom done anymore by other than old time VW motor heads. I have seen pressure as low as 1/2 pound and as much as 7#'s in cars that were "running fine". They ran even "finer" when the pressure was adjusted to what the carb set up requires. It is my understanding that Kadrons for example run properly on 1.5-2.0 psi (I don't know that for certain, if you need to know, check with Mr. Kadron) I have seen nice improvements in driveablilty when the pressure is set "right". Right is generally about 3.5#'s max for most set ups.