I never did like the location of my fuel pump and filters, so I figured I'd change that. It was time to replace the filters anyway. Currently the pump and one filter is located in front of the front beam and the other filter lays on my access panel with some kinks in the line. Weak sauce.
If I'd ever get in an accident, the fuel line and pump being front and center isn't optimal. If I mounted the two filters and the pump to a piece of aluminum and then bolted the whole shebang in between the top and bottom torsion tubes, they would still be accessible for future maintenance and be protected from a frontal impact.
Cool. Now to cut out this piece of aluminum, and gather all the other bits that's going to make this work. I used Napa 3032 filters and they came with some spring clips. Very cool.
Test fit the aluminum piece. I got fancy and drilled some holes in it. I had some crappy hole saws and one of the holes walked too close to another hole. Oh well, who's going to see that other than me.
Everything installed. I put a piece of foam between the filters and the aluminum to minimize vibration. I also soldered and shrink wrapped up a pigtail for the power and ground. The original leads weren't long enough to reach the new location.
I left enough fuel line up top so that with just cutting 3 zip ties and removing one bolt, I can drop the filters and pump down for maintenance. I also slid a piece of heater hose over the line and zip tied it to the beam to keep it from contacting anything. I also armored the fuel line leading to the hard line. The hole in the firewall that the hard fuel line and hydraulic lines go through was raw, so I used some plastic to protect them. Duh.
Now I need to pour some gas into the tank and check for leaks. Since my tank is empty, or at least not enough fuel in it to drain out, I'll get to find out exactly how much useable fuel I'll have. I might even tweak the arm on the sender some and try and dial in my gauge. Lost cause, I know.
One more thing off my list.