- I see from your profile PICS that your running AC..., Please Please don't tighten down anymore than you absolutely have to on your Alt. and AC belt's, VW put out a notice 30 yrs. ago that this would preliminarily wear out the number 1 bearing on the crank. With that said..., Aluminum lower pulleys look real cool, but they slip more than steel ones. This might be part of your dilemma.
- Steal one of the wiffiees pocket mirrors and look into the inlet side of the cooling fan for debre.
- Make sure that you didn't drop a balance tube off the intake manifold of your Kardon's, this can give a whistling sound.
- Make sure the distributer cam lobe has white grease on it, when it dries out it can give a very high pitched whine..., as the point lobe wares down and the points begin to close the m o t o r g o e s d e a d .
- Does the sound quit or change if you shut the AC off..., if so, you know the problem.
- Looking at that stack of washers, and not being able to see the outer top front pulley, try another belt a 0.5" to 1" bigger in circumference like a continental brand.
- Have you sprayed the engine bay with a degreaser lately, whether you have or not, spay some oil on the front and back side of your AC idler pulley bearing and see if the sound quits.
- Take your shoe off and put the soul over your tail pipe to block out the engine noise, this will let you and localize the whine noise.
- Last..., I'll do some assuming: Does the sound change or quit when you push the clutch in? If so, you may be getting to much end play on the crank shaft. Thus is the reason it may be rubbing the engine tin when the clutch is released.
I'll stop rambling know..., David