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Kelley, glad you liked the post. One thing I would like to add is that in addition to the things mentioned in that post that I enjoy about my FAKE car, is the fun and friendship I have enjoyed as a result of this SOC Forum. For me it is the experience of driving my car around and the great folks I have met with the common interest in the cars, not the piece of fiberglass that looks like a tub. And I love puling chains over on 356TALK!
For the amount of money that most of us have in these cars there are a lot of interesting used cars available. If I viewed this hobby strictly by that criteria I might have to be rethinking my investment. Instead, I look at the whole picture, including the relationships that I've built since many of y'all helped build my car. When I do that, it's been an incredible bargain. I've been involved with car clubs before, but this is the best by a large margin.

Ok, before this thread gets too "touchy-feely" - HEY VINCE, TOUCHY-FEELY THIS!!!
So This cracks me up......I sold my replica only to buy a real porsche, granted a 911 and not totally relevant but hey! I still have money left over from my sale that I have used to fix up my 911.

So Replicas, real, fakes, clones, tributes, snobs.....we are all drawn from the same cloth....all car guys.....oh and gals(angela).

Yo Jim and all my SOC'ers. Not a whole lot is new with me. I am working as a Firefighter/Paramedic still with the city of Fullerton and loving it of course. School was hell...but its supposed to be.

My little 911 is doing good...bites back every once in a while...but what would a project car be if it didnt surprise you. Small things like oil leaks and charging issues. Man I miss spending $65 for an alternator instead of almost $300.

I see Mark driving around every once in awhile. It brings me great joy to see him enjoying that little car. I loved the little thing and def will be back in a Speedster one day.

Thinking if Morro Bay may be an option if the 911 is welcome. Would love to come hang with all you again.

Nice Thread drift,

Last weekend I removed the Porsche emblems on the front and back of the D. I cleaned and waxed the areas and installed the IM badge on the rear and have left the front off for now. Looks way good to me.

I know this "post is worthless without pictures"

I then ordered the IM hood handle which will be changed out maybe this weekend. I also ordered a Ca Plate which will take around 6 to 8 weeks.
it will read 69 VW TUB that should explain what it is.

Pics to follow later.

Nah Tom,

No winning or losing except F-P's rep.

I like the P-guys. The rumble was with the P-snobs and F-P who might be a shit disturber of epic proportions.

But the badging/branding topic is interesting to me. In the dive watch world everything is similar to everything else and the distinction between fakes, replicas (a very bad word), homages is a very fine line. Often it is the writing on the dial.

I don't care what anybody has written on their car. I was drawn to Tub's by the design that I have admired since I was a 11 year old surfer who carried my balsa board 5 blocks to the beach at OB ever day and checked out the real 356's parked along the way. This was in 1962 so we are talking about real 356 A's coupes and speedsters. Most of those beauties are rusted away and gone forever. But that 356 shape imprinted on my mind and I have always liked 2 seaters. Over the years I have owned an MGA and 914 for daily drivers and now that my daughter is grown up I have gone back to 2 seaters. Along with the chance to Mod which is really fun.

So its all good fun.

The fact that anyone would get annoyed, upset, aggravated, high-browed, condescending or pissed off by the P-car badging on my replica Speedy - causes me to enjoy my car EVEN MORE!!!

I re-iterate the MUSBJIM Cosmic Theorem;

Replicar's are like 'Breast Implants' - EVERYBODY knows they're fake, yet they are still nice to look at, and they are way more fun than the originals!!

If I remotely cared what people thought about my actions, then I wouldn't claim that Vince is a good friend of mine! Bwaaaaaaaa

...I'm just saying...

I still got my Fry egg that Skip made for me 20 some years ago. Hope you got that Hobie still. If you do I need a Pic of that classic. Hobie stopped shaping boards when? around late 60's or early 70's. He then went into boats (cats).

I wish I still had my Dewey Weber performer, Carl Extrom, Bing, G$S Hynson model, Da Cat model, Bing David Nuuhiwa nose rider etc. My current stick is a 8' South Coast. Although I scuba more than I surf now its in the blood.

Jim, I also could care less about what people think we can't change it anyway. Did you say boobies? That's much more interesting.

Tom Canty your an interesting guy lets have a beer sometime. You must be Irish right?

Dave-jeez, what memories. My folks were old beach rats out of UCLA in early 40's. Only body surfing then. My Hobie was 9'6", sea-foam green with white inset top-side, clear-ish skeg. Sold it to a good friend and bought a 9'2" two-string (parquet skeg) Wardy out of his shop (shack) in north Huntington (dirt approach, no curbs, old oil-well off to the side). Just trying to loosen those old cob-webs! Don't miss the worn nipples from the sand/wax-was never too good at knee-paddling.

TC-very nice old skateboard. In early sixties we made our skateboards out 2x4's. Trucks were the old adjustable hard steel roller-skate wheels: take the adj-nut off, separate fronts from backs, and NAIL them to the 2x4. Just incredible fun. Nintendo-schmendo I say.
Anybody ever read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance?
In it, Pirsig muses that Quality is an abstract that can't be explained rationally -- that you'd drive yourself nuts by trying.
He summarized by suggesting, "A thing exists if, without it, the world can't function normally."
TC, you're okay in my book. My Grandfather Drake died years ago. You're cut from the same cloth as he was, and I loved that guy. Keep on truckin' ...
We had a red skateboard with metal wheels early 60's or late 50's remember those, I ate shit many times on the steep hills in Ocean Beach.

TC that Hobie skate board was the bomb never had the $$ for that but I did have a sting ray bike remember that? for my paper route

Scott, you grew up in the epicenter of surfing, lucky guy. I started body wamping from about age 8 or so, lived blocks from the ocean.

"Tom Canty your an interesting guy lets have a beer sometime. You must be Irish right?"

Yup! My Father was born here along with his younger Sister Margret, his older Brother James and his older Sister Bridget were born in Ireland. SW Cork, close to Kerry. We're all bright red and stupid, but a lot of fun and harmless. Just end up making messes of things . . . LOVE to run into you, and the rest of the gang, someday. I keep planning on Carlisle, and used to be a regular, but things have been busy these past few years.

We lived in Quincy for a time, lots of hill and quarries so skateboards were a must to get around on. The North side of town was kinda poor so we never had REAL Schwinn Stingrays, but we made our own as best we could. Trash day, in the nicer sections, was ALWAYS a treat. Week after week foraging new (to us) bike parts out of others trash, dragging the stuff home and being one step closer to that Stingray "look."

We NEVER did managed to find a rear whitewall "slick" in the trash . . . I'm still lookin' though.

Forum Prick

Ahhhh, Hobie Alter. Have you ever been on a HobieCat? Great little boat.

After/during the boats, he also got into RC sailplanes. I have one, it is called a Hobie Hawk, had it for almost 20 years, and it was almost that old when I bought it. It is a 2 channel plane, rudder/elevator only. It is a thing of beauty, with a 99" elliptical wing. It kind of looks like a smile when viewed head-on. A continuosly variable curve from the root of the wing to the tip. I fly it up at Cape Cod on the dunes when the winds are light.
Scott and Dave.
I also did the steel wheel 2X4 skateboards and had the same abrupt stops while flying down a hill in Huntington Beach back in 1963. Here's a little video of your's truly a few years later after better boards, trucks and wheels came out. I'm the one at the start with the auburn hair and the solid white t-shirt and the blue and white stripe t-shirt. I'll be 60 in June and I can still do most of those old skateboard tricks, but I'm a little nervous about trying the handstand.
Yeah, I know . . .

Sometimes I click over to You Tube just to watch old episodes of Hullabaloo. I used to love the blond (Lada Edmund Jr.), but now I'm addicted to the brunette in the short "bob" haircut (Donna McKechnie) who went on to such HUGE success on Broadway.

Check out this clip of The Yardbirds.

Donna is the one to the mid-left front who sweeps her arms down low, raises them in a frenzy near her head and then turns at full throttle towards the camera. You can just tell that she's setting her clock to the rhythm before launching herself into the dance. She later has a SWEET solo.

Yes . . . I'm TOTALLY in love ! !

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