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Hi guys; I'm finally picking up my new VS this next Monday; I need to fill her up as soon as I take her out of storage since, as you know, cars are shipped almost empty of fuel. Since I know that most of us are VS owners here I want to ask you this question: Which type of gas should I put in my new car, which is equipped with a dual carb 1776? Is 87 octane acceptable or should I use premium? I know this is kind of a difficult question especially now given the high prices...
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Hi guys; I'm finally picking up my new VS this next Monday; I need to fill her up as soon as I take her out of storage since, as you know, cars are shipped almost empty of fuel. Since I know that most of us are VS owners here I want to ask you this question: Which type of gas should I put in my new car, which is equipped with a dual carb 1776? Is 87 octane acceptable or should I use premium? I know this is kind of a difficult question especially now given the high prices...
I used 87 and 89 octane fuel interchangeably and found little difference in performance with my single carb 1776. There may have been a very slight edge with the 89 octane, but this may have been my imagination. Either grade is probably fine IMHO unless you have made certain go fast mods; I'm not including dual carbs as this kind of mod unless you have done other things as well which it sounds like you have not.
Ricardo: Ron O is right, but it may be hard for you to find out the compression ratio of your new motor (try emailing Kirk).

Start with a few tank fulls of 91 octane, just to play safe.

Later on, after you've gotten a bit used to it, let the tank run down low and try a 1/4 or 1/2 tank of 87 and see if it pings when accelerating. If it pings or knocks, fill the tank with 91 and it should get better, and then stick with the 91.

If it doesn't knock with 87, you can probably stick with it.

I agree with Gord. Start with 91 and then mix in more and more 87 over time to see if it will ping. Keep in mind that you can't always hear an engine ping! Personally I wouldn't run anything lower than 89, but if you don't have that, you have a tougher decision.

Does anyone know if every companies gas is the same or is one companies 89 better than anothers?
they are definatly diferent in my opinion. I am using Arco in all my vehichle's and the van runs like s### on that stuff, I tried some Shell 87 and it seemed to run much better. Reason I use Arco is that it is cheaper and the only station in town. I'm probably kidding myself using it because I'd probably get better milage with the Shell. I think a lot depends on the season, most of the majors use a summer blend and a winter blend, some of the cutrates buy the surplus seasonable blends in the opposite seasons, that all equates to some lousy running cars.

A crap shoot out there. In Oregon some gas has the 10% ethenol added, depending on what county you're in.

I agree with Vince all the way... It's not like filling up the family suv-truckster or mama's cruiser mega-sized tanks. I pump 91 in her 04 TLS-3.2 and so my Speedster gets nothing less. The Compression Ratio really is a defining factor... but, gee, 14 gallons, a couple of bucks extra for running the good stuff in my built 1776 seems like a good idea. Maybe it's a waste.. but I spend more on magazines, books, and Cheetos in a month than it takes to make two or three nice road trips in the Speedster on 91 or 92.

Vets For Kerry
Welcome back, Missed you for sure.....these guys are boring.....
their all so frigging nice to each other.....
Whats this thing about Kerry?
I don't think I like him at this point but feel the same about Bush...
perhaps you can sway me......."LICK ANOTHER BUSH"
Please don't use his Viet Nam thing, cause it don't work for me....
He tells us how bad Bush is, but doesn't tell us what he'll do...
Just how F%$&@#ked things are.....We already know that.......

Hey...Got this really cool MIA/POW grille badge, same as my tatoo...
you need to have one......
Thanks for all the replies guys! My old Karmann Ghia didn't seem to like 87 octane; it also preferred Texaco. I'm going to just use the 91 at first and then try to mix it with 87 to see what happens. If she doesn't like it I'll just go back to the 91 and leave it at that.
Hey Vince; talking about POW's/MIA's, did you check out the POW/MIA bike that the folks at Orange County Choppers built on American Chopper? That's definitely a sweet and well deserved bike for our heroes!!
Heard about it but never saw the bike.....If you ever see
a link that shows a picture of it, I would love to see it some day..
I used to be a big biker, I'm still big but sold my bike on ebay
last year to get the speedster.....
not sorry I did, but I do miss the bike....
Now when I get the urge, I rent works.......
mine was over 30 years old , the new ones are sweet......
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