You may need slightly longer studs if you intend to double-nut them. Often, those can be found at ACE hardware.
@cwazy1 wrote: "for the oil pan gasket, I'm using the standard OEM replacement and I find that I'll get a drip from the acorn nut. Do the silicone gaskets solve for this as well?"
Probably not.
If it is leaking from a single Acorn nut, one of three things may be happening:
1. The acorn nut is simply loose. Try tightening 1/8 - 1/4 turn and NO MORE.
2. The stud may be protruding from the case a little too much so that the acorn nut is bottoming out on the threads but is not really tight enough to crush the copper washer to prevent leaks. Crushing the washer seals against the two surfaces (plate and nut) by compressing to fill the space. Shorten the stud by screwing it into the case more, or:
3. You might have re-used the existing copper washers. That often doesn't work to prevent leaks as the washers are crushed to seal and once used won't seal as well.
It's been on my list to find a source for just the crush washers and then just get 100 of them to keep on hand. McMaster-Carr carries them.