I like Dennis's suggestion...and I'm glad Merklin agrees 'cause smashing it with a hammer seems extreme. As far as not allowing a "stupid person" near the speedster, I try my best to stay away...but it's just so darn seductive!!!
Now the next question is:
Can a gelcoat be wet sanded resulting in a mirror-like surface?
Also, (this question doesn't deserve a thread of its own)
Sometime over the summer I'll be replacing my steel Mangels for a set of light weight Centerline alloys...but I'll need longer wheel bolts. In searching the Internet all of the examples of bolts have a beveled collar to snug into an indented bolt hole...The Centerlines have a flat service; so it seems I either need wheel bolts without the collar, or modify the Centerline holes by grinding a beveled seat for the collared bolts...Any suggestions??