I bought a 1986 IM roadster for my daughter's first daily driver. We are full on car nuts here, but it is New Jersey and winter is cold and long. There in lies the problem. We need to make real heat in the car. Luckily I have good fabrication skills and quite a shop if anyone has had any success. I am willing to augment comfort with heated seats, but warm air for the defroster and some comfort would be great. I remember gasoline heaters from the old days, have even seen some small electric quartz heaters that they use in equipment like bobcats. Is there anyone out there that has had sucess with the true daily driven car?? Some sacrifice to have a cool ride is reasonable, but freezing will probably kill the joy for her. As for the choice...what do you say to your daughter who says to you "Daddy I always wanted a car that smiles at me!"
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