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Brian thank you for your input.One thing about this site is we run an open forum. Please tell all of us what you know about this group. As we all share information it saves us all a lot of time and money. Do you have a 914-6 in your car? Have you ever used any parts from them. Please lets us know. Before we find out the hard way. Thank you brian for your time.
I have a 911 in my IM and have coresponded and talked on the telephone with Motormeister. I ended up not dealing with them as a result of various posts on the Pelican site and others.

I have no personal dealings with them so I do not feel that its fair for me to post about them one way or another. That's why I suggest you look at other posts from people who have dealt with them and then use your own judgement. Anything I post, good or bad, would just be hearsay.

The car came with one. From what I gather it is an early tube frame IM...registered as an 84 but the general thinking is that IM did not start producing the tube frames till 85 or 86. It was supplied to the original purchaser as a "coach" model...sans engine. As such I imagine the install was not much of a problem as the frame was made to accept the 911.

But if you're talking about me replacing the 911T with the 911S that I got from Uncle Zak...well I haven't done that yet. Probably be a while as I'm just too busy with other things..

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