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An East Coast Event?? You MUSB(not JIM) kidding.

So, the PLAN is for Cory and I to drive to Easton (Dewalt's place) on Saturday and pick up my Speedster and drool over the Green Coupe until we can't take it anymore. Might be able to get there between 11:00 and noon, maybe. Tom promises free food -?!!- and an already planned picnic. A few other SOCers have thought they might drop in too; Alan for example. Any and all are welcome, so says Tom. There is just this little teeny, tiny, eensie-weensie problem: will the cars actually be there? As of today they were heading into west Texas, and who knows exactly where else. The shortest delivery ETA given by the carrier is sometime (?) Saturday, and maybe not until next Wed, i.e., 7 to 10 days travel time, and they left CA last Sat., late PM. So there are NO garauntees, ladies and germs, at this time. This notice then is just a HEADS UP, it MIGHT happen. Will be able to tell more around about Thursday/Friday, so please stay tuned. If we get a go, then will post the MD-to-Easton route for any hook-ups that might want to be made. Likely will be York/Harrisburg/Carlisle/Bethlehem and like that. On the other hand, when I returned from Carlisle this spring I took all back roads through the PA/MD countryside, and it was a delightful trip. Maybe we'll boogy up quick as can for the pick up, and then take the scenic route back. But first things first: gotta get the cars.

2007 JPS MotorSports Speedster

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An East Coast Event?? You MUSB(not JIM) kidding.

So, the PLAN is for Cory and I to drive to Easton (Dewalt's place) on Saturday and pick up my Speedster and drool over the Green Coupe until we can't take it anymore. Might be able to get there between 11:00 and noon, maybe. Tom promises free food -?!!- and an already planned picnic. A few other SOCers have thought they might drop in too; Alan for example. Any and all are welcome, so says Tom. There is just this little teeny, tiny, eensie-weensie problem: will the cars actually be there? As of today they were heading into west Texas, and who knows exactly where else. The shortest delivery ETA given by the carrier is sometime (?) Saturday, and maybe not until next Wed, i.e., 7 to 10 days travel time, and they left CA last Sat., late PM. So there are NO garauntees, ladies and germs, at this time. This notice then is just a HEADS UP, it MIGHT happen. Will be able to tell more around about Thursday/Friday, so please stay tuned. If we get a go, then will post the MD-to-Easton route for any hook-ups that might want to be made. Likely will be York/Harrisburg/Carlisle/Bethlehem and like that. On the other hand, when I returned from Carlisle this spring I took all back roads through the PA/MD countryside, and it was a delightful trip. Maybe we'll boogy up quick as can for the pick up, and then take the scenic route back. But first things first: gotta get the cars.
Hey, fellas. Big trouble in Little China.
My phone is MIA. Sometimes it's Alzheimers, and sometimes it's just gone.
Today it flew out the window of the truck, so tomorrow morning I'll be retracing where we went to try to find the phone.
If y'all want to leave voicemail on it regarding Saturday's coupe/speedy festivities and the status and location of the hauler, all will not be lost. Be sure to leave the callback numbers.
If I can't find it, or if it's in little bits and the memory's gone ... well, that's about 500 numbers to find on pieces of scratch paper -- and reload into the phone.
AUUUGH. If it's not one thing, it's another. I'm still planning on being at Kelly's joint Saturday at about 8:00 a.m.
Well, let's say it like it is: I am PISSED. Still very happy to be only a few L-O-N-G days away from the next chapter in my automotive life with a realy sweet ride, etc., etc., but still WAY bummed out to have to wait maybe a whole 'nuther week. If someone had just said at the start: You'll have your car at the end of August, I'd probably be dealing OK now. But as it has gone lately, I'm fit to be tied. I guess I'll get over it but I ain't a happy camper right now. It's what you get when you count your chickens before they hatch -- nothing bu dissappointment. At my advanced age, you'd think I would know better.

Cancel the East Coast Event and stay tuned for further info.
Life without a phone is soooo liberating. especially if it's in the same week when your ancient confuser takes a nose-dive.
Windows '95, anybody?
Had a nice visit with Kelly Saturday a.m. after reconning the route to his hideaway Friday night. Got the Hoopty all dialed in -- better than new -- for the drive, and then took the VW instead, only to hear the canx news saturday morning over coffee.
Standing by for a Tuesday Frazer-Jet recovery mission. If it ain't happenin', we'll plan to intercept the driver at some point along the route and git'em, whaddya say?
Tuesday looking good. Trucker says in PA later today, so all hands are standing by. Don't know about an "East Coast Event" revival, but as before, any who can are of course welcome to stop by. I suppose I can post up the final plans, when the become final, but it will be a very short notice thing. I ain't waitin' for the week end -- sorry about that. As a talking point, Cory and I are thinking to leave MD/Clarksville around 9:30 AM. Look for another post later today, after Tom calls and says he's got 'em.
Man, stupid work always screws up my fun!!!!! I really wanted to come up for this, too short of notice for me but obviously way way over due notcie for you guys!!!!! I will be watching for pics tomorrow ASAFP!!!!

I don't know which route you and Cory will be taking back but by all means feel free to stop by the Bistro, dinner and drinks are on me!!!!!
302-388-1998 cell
MUSB: I figure it's going to take me a few weeks before I go wheels up. Would rather keep them all on the pavement for a while. Actually, only did that once in my prior life w/ 356 Coupes. Objective at the time was to stay on the bumber of a 240Z on the way to work. Objective largely met, and I went airborne for a few seconds in the process. Am I wiser now? Probably not . . .

Mickey: FREE FOOD??? That one might work. Will see what Drake has to say. We'll be meeting in an hour to head north. Is this really happening??
Nothing is ever simple . . . Gotta have more drama . . . Expect nothing less in this saga. Driver took overnight in Belmont MD, NOT Easton, PA as was told to me. ETA probably 12 noon or so, NOT 10am for unload. We'll see. This continous to put me in a tizzy. On top of it all, had an allergic reaction to an antibotic I was on for 7-days and am now COVERED in hives. Look like a LEPER. Can you believe that?????

Lord give me strength.
Can't wait to see it in person Tom! Kelly and Cory stopped by on the way home for a little snack and some cold drinks, Kelly's car is beautiful! I've never seen a brand new one up close like that, it puts my car to shame. The sound the doors make when they open and close, the beautiful interior, simply a gorgeous car.

I would love to have all east coasters meet up at my new place (Lucky's) sometime this fall. We have some great roads around my parts so we can grab a burger and a shake, go for a nice long cruise and then stroll across the parking lot to the Bistro for a little dinner and some wine. Once things get finished up on the new place (mid September) we can work on a date, maybe a nice fall day so if Cory still has Hoopty he won't worry about the oil temps. ;-)

Congrats again to both of you guys, enjoy!

Now stop staring at your cars and go to bed.

By the time I got home, waited for Cory to follow, took him home, got back to my garage, did some more petting, polishing, staring and generally looking like a fool in the middle of the night, I bagged it... Was well past 1:00. Did not have the energy to fire up the ol' internet, and lay on pics, etc. Tom: great shots there. Will have some to follow soon. If you are broadband, I'd be delighted to have your download of all the shots. Will do likewise, although I don't have that many -- SEG kept getting in the way.

Mickey: delighted to see your place, look fwd to seeing your new place, and am very impressed w/ the company you keep. Thanks for the respite. Your Fall Outing, sounds very cool indeed, and would love to take part.

The car seemed to run fine down the Interstate last night, top down all the way. Also, enjoyed the quick turns around Easton chasing Tom, although for a sort-of rural area, I have never seen so many four-way stop signs. Lots of opportunity there to learn about my clutch. There will be much getting aquainted yet to be done. And note the following, just to keep things straight: while I do OWN the car, having paid for it, and I did think about what color to make it, etc., AND I am very proud to drive it, this car is really John Steele's -- HE (and his fellows) designed and made it, and all I am doing now is driving it. In time, the car and I will figure each other out, and it will become mine. If you think the car looks great and you like the way it was put together, I am delighted, of course, but tell John too.
Kelly - give me a holler with the dates you'll be in San Diego. If things work out I might be able to scare up a couple of the local SOCers and take you out on a short cruise through the countryside.

If time doesn't allow for a crusie, making aquaintence over a cool beverage at the Del sounds great also. I'm guessing by that time you'll have logged about 5K miles on your new toy.

I'll send a PM with some other info!

Peace - Out!
Lane, T'was a BLAST! After we tweaked a few things, we all went for some food and grog and then Tom led us on a very spirited ride thru some nice twistie turnies along the Delaware River. Thank God any of the local law men weren't around or we'd a been in a heap of trouble!
I really wish I could have followed down to see Mickey and his eatery, but I have a feeling that'll happen later. Wilmington was a bit outta my way and as it was, I didn't get home 'till 9PM. Blackie didn't skip a beat during the 250 mile jaunt. Cory rode with me and got a dose of the old Dell'Orto whistle. He thought I slipped in a turbo for a minute.
It was 90 degrees+ all afternoon and had no overheating issues except for me getting some sunburn.

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