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I pulled a MusbJim today and may have totaled my car. Nearing a traffic light while doing about 40 mph an Suv was stopped at the light waiting to turn left.

For some reason, at the very last second she did turn left and I hit the brakes and veered left trying to avoid her passenger side. We hit pretty hard but it was

a glancing blow. I wound up in the hospital for five hours, huge swelling / bruise on the front of my left thigh, road rash on my right hip ( I never left the car ), had to get my lower lip glued up and my upper right teeth don't feel / look right.


The windshield left the car ( broken ) passenger side damaged, large cracks thru the glass in various places, the front bumper was 40 feet away, rear deck lid hinge broke on one side, front rad is on the ground up front, right mirror gone, tranny locked in some gear and clutch won't release, neither door lines up with the body, one MIA hubcap, steering wheel badly bent and more that I won't see till tomorrow.


Quite the day. Pics tomorrow. Need to contact Jim Ignacio for advice. Jim...if you see this, could you please email me ....  dwstroud  at ?



David Stroud

 '92 IM Roadster D 2.3 L Air Cooled

Ottawa, Canada


Last edited by David Stroud IM Roadster D
Original Post

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Wow, David! So glad this didn't turn out worse. You can always build another car, and from the sound of it-- you probably will need to. The flying windshield sounds terrifying.


Intersections are awful. The idea that speed kills is ridiculous-- intersections are where the vast bulk of collisions occur. "I didn't see him", etc.


I'm just glad you are here to report the accident.

Last edited by Stan Galat



Sorry to hear of your accident, but glad that your body seemed to fare better than the Speedy.  Daytime running lights can be a big help in making our tiny cars more noticeable to oncoming/side traffic.  Not too tough to wire the front headlight parking bulbs into the ignition switch.  We are all pretty aware of increasing the visibility of the rear by brighter tail light & brake light bulbs to prevent rearenders, but the latest episode of accidents indicates what we all know at some level: other drivers sometimes look right over the top of our cars when scanning for traffic, especially if the other driver is in a raised p/u or rv, where their eye level is yards above us.  Lights in the front help to increase our visibility.  They don't need to be 100 watt driving lights, either, just 1156 bulbs to catch the other driver's eye.    

David:  So very glad you are well enough to tell us about your misfortune.  I've been very fortunate to not have had any serious accidents in cars......Not so fortunate on my bike where, as Stan said, people just plain don't see me and I've had several serious hits.


Get yourself well...That's the first priority and then you can decide what to do about the Speedster.  So glad you're doing OK.

Oh man, Dave, this is a rotten break.  Was the dame driving the car on her cell phone?  In addition to all the astute observations about not being seen, it's even worse when the so-called other guy (or gal) just doesn't have his head in the game.  As Gordon said, glad you are able to let us know what happened and reinforce the message that we all are fair game to SUV, minivan pilots and others who just don't notice us.  

Thanks for the kind words, Lads. I meant no offence to was written that way because of the strikingly similar circumstances of his accident and mine.


Here's a couple of pics of the car this morning. You can't see it in the pics but the rad is resting on the asphalt. I did notice some damage to the right rear wheel too and that's likely why the tranny appears to be jambed. I'll likely have to pull the plugs to be able to push the car into the garage.


As I now recall the events of the accident, I do recall a Cube van stopped ahead of me in the left turning lane at the lights. The SUV in the accident with me was waiting to turn left into my path from the opposite direction and likely could not see past the Cube van and did not see me coming. Still, in error, they chose to turn left and hope no one was coming....I was.


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That's no good, no good at all.

Been in 2 street accidents in my life, both in intersections, both with people turning left in front of me, both the others' fault.

I hate intersections.


It's a double shame because I'll be thru Ottawa next week and I was going to look you up to chat Speedsters...but after this, that may just increase the pain...!


All the best for a speedy recovery. 

Oh - and lawyer up



How are you feeling this morning? Day two and three tend to be when the real pain sets in.


Just to clarify - I didn't think you were trying to slight Jim. I was just making comment that it's becoming such a regular event that we've named it. That's what makes me sad.


Keep us posted on your recovery,


Well just Damn.  At least you weren't driving a motorcycle--the outcome could have been much worse.  (Small consopation, I know.)


We look back of accidents and wonder how it could have been avoided---this is an impossible one because the Cube was blocking the view of you --it's hard enough to see us anyway but with additional lack of vision it was hard for the turning driver.


I am glad you weren't seriously hurt and glad Francine wasn't on board.


I hope you will be back on the road very soon either with your repaired car or a new one.


We are all thinking of you, David.

Originally Posted by TRP:
Oh no! I am glad you're not seriously hurt.

I'm not sure what's worse, your accident or the fact that we are now referring to totaling a speedster as "pulling a musbjim". 

I wish you a speedy recovery. (See what I did there?)


Hey! At least its not a 'Lewinsky'!! Or maybe it was caused by one?! 


David- sent you 'Dialog'. 

Last edited by MusbJim



In any of your discussions regarding this accident DO NOT MAKE THE REMARK "…the driver may not have seen me approaching because of the Cube (vehicle)…"!!!


We can talk more detail when you & I catch up with each other! Wishing you a speedy recovery, my friend! 

Last edited by MusbJim
Originally Posted by Alan Merklin - Drclock. Chambersburg PA:

Per my many project experiences it's repairable but most likely the Ins Co will total it.

The trouble is, there are very few facilities up here that are familiar with a rebuild of something like this...with a Soob conversion too.


So, Alan...when and if they total it, typically what is the at fault driver's insurance obligated to do ? Are they compelled to replace it with a similar product or what ?



Originally Posted by David Stroud Ottawa Canada '83 IM Soob:
Originally Posted by Alan Merklin - Drclock. Chambersburg PA:

Per my many project experiences it's repairable but most likely the Ins Co will total it.

The trouble is, there are very few facilities up here that are familiar with a rebuild of something like this...with a Soob conversion too.


So, Alan...when and if they total it, typically what is the at fault driver's insurance obligated to do ? Are they compelled to replace it with a similar product or what ?



Who is your car insured by? They should be taking the lead on any and all conversations with the other insurance company. 


If you have full coverage your insurance company will fight for you, that's why you pay a premium.


Jim speaks the truth in the above post. Do not give any sort of speculative comments about what you observed.


Your story starts and ends with:

You were driving along, at or under the speed limit and in accordance with all traffic laws. She made an unsafe left, turned in front of you. You instinctively tried to avoid the collision. Unable to avoid the collision, you collided and you suffered physical injury to yourself and your property. You are insured by xxx and they will be handling the remainder of the communications. Medical bills, Automobile repairs and Legal receipts will be provided by your insurance company as they are available. Thank you, David Stroud.


End of story.


Aside from that, I would even avoid speaking about it on here or on FB (or any social media).


Let your insurance company do the worrying.  You focus on a speedy recovery.



Last edited by TRP
Originally Posted by David Stroud Ottawa Canada '83 IM Soob:

Thanks for that, Ted. I'm just trying to get a decent feel for how the whole scenario should play out. No more questions / comments from me in this vein for now. Haven't gone thru this before..


Being self employed and mostly self taught in many categories, I sometimes have trouble leaving responsibility in the hands of others. My problem. Regards....

Trust me - I'm the same way. I like to be one or two steps ahead of the people who are 'taking care of me'. Being informed is forewarned, or something like that.


I think in situations like this and if you have full coverage - your insurance company will make sure you're taken care of. That said  - every situation is different.

Who is the car insured with?



Last edited by TRP

Now that David is offline regarding this issue, it's a good time for all of us to review our policies to see if we have "agreed" value or "stated" value policies with our insurance companies.  Reminder 1: we, the insureds, like agreed policies, where no deductible will be used to lower the value of our cars in case of a total loss.  This means agreement between the insured and the insurer on value if totaled.  That's the amount they will pay.  These agreed value policies are available from most of the big players in replica/specialty car insurance companies.  Reminder 2: insurance companies like stated value policies, because they use our value amount of the worth of the car only to establish the premium cost, then lower that value by depreciation before payout.

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