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David -- this is a tragedy.  I think all of us live w/ a nagging uncertainty about having to tangle w/ any other vehicle, as we are definitely unsafe at any speed.  That said, I am happy to hear that you were able to walk away.  The very definition of a good landing, eh?  One you can walk away from.  Not sure how this might have been avoided, sometimes **** just happens.  I think I will be pretty cautious going around a left turning vehicle from now on, on the chance that there may be another lefty turning from the other direction.  Slow down and have a look, w/ foot on the brake.


I think Alan said he could fix this.  Pix do not seem to be SO bad, but I know next to nothing about fiberglass, and how you might actually have to redo all that broken plastic.  And then the frame work.


Let us know how it turns out.


I'm really bummed about this.  Glad to see that you are already shopping for a replacement.  Maybe you can get a new roller for not much $$, and stuff in all that cool Soobie hardware you got -- assuming it is still all OK.  You are nothing if not handy w/ a wrench.

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