"No matter where you go.....there you are!
I live in Beaufort, South Carolina (pronounced Bew-fort....long "U"), right on the coast.
There is a Beaufort, North Carolina (pronounced Bo-fort....long "O"), again, right on the coast.
Both were named for the same English dude.
Even though they're only separated by about 5 hours drive time, both are light years apart.
P.S.: I've been informed that the right seater has "HAD ENOUGH OF THAT DAMN JOHN CLEESE" and we'll be listening to the dulcet tones of "Irish Kathy" as our guide on our "Great Northern Migration" coming up soon. Should be cool - we're taking the inland route this trip.
P.P.S.: I've got a Tom Tom 720 which I've used in or on every vehicle I own, including the Speedster and my bicycle. It gets a little washed out in direct sunshine (like on the bike) but you can still see it (although I still just listen for instructions and seldom look at it. In fact, the display is very rudimentary over 60mph, anyway)
One of the best features is to simply go off on a ride and either turn it off or down and not pay attention to it. Then, when you've had enough riding, simply push the "Home" button and it takes you home.