I look fwd to hearing all about the fixes, esp'y the wiper motor thing. While my wipers appar to work, I am betting that what I got is what you had, and so my expectation is not high. They are one speed (slow) and do not park. I'll be looking for how to improve.
Meanwhile, I am currently in CA on business and not two seconds after I pull out of the Avis lot in San Diego tonight I am passed by a white 1600 Super Coupe. Looked like a B. It was genuine, had exhaust out the bumper guards, and was just runnin' down the road. Had a very tame muffler, hardly made any noise. I plan to meet w/ MUSBJIM on Friday, and take in the Cars and Coffee thing Saturday. You could say I am CA dreamin' for a few days. Also will drop by JPS and say Hi. I'll tweak him about wiper motors, see what he says.