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Hi Madsters!!

Just a quick "hi" to get started on the posting side (I've spend quite some time already on the browsing-side!).

Fellow admirer of gorgeous cars, stumbled upon the sighting of a Speedster or a non-intentional WWW browse, and started to look deeper into it... so deep, in fact, that to go further is only to actually own one - which should happen sometime this year, when I'll most likely be the purchaser of a 'tailor-made' (hopefully) turnkey Speedster, with most details to be configured.
It will be based on a VW pan, and put together by a respected VW-restoration company here in Portugal. Engine, specs, etc, TBA, but it will be more of a cruiser than a racer.

I plan on making it as much period-correct as possible, and as such (and following info posted here), already ordered Brett Johnson's
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Hi Madsters!!

Just a quick "hi" to get started on the posting side (I've spend quite some time already on the browsing-side!).

Fellow admirer of gorgeous cars, stumbled upon the sighting of a Speedster or a non-intentional WWW browse, and started to look deeper into it... so deep, in fact, that to go further is only to actually own one - which should happen sometime this year, when I'll most likely be the purchaser of a 'tailor-made' (hopefully) turnkey Speedster, with most details to be configured.
It will be based on a VW pan, and put together by a respected VW-restoration company here in Portugal. Engine, specs, etc, TBA, but it will be more of a cruiser than a racer.

I plan on making it as much period-correct as possible, and as such (and following info posted here), already ordered Brett Johnson's
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