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Here is a link. Hearst Castle is worth the visit. make reservations for the tours. Last tour I made was the up and down stairs and the wine cellar. The castle is just nort of the annual west coast run.

My father in law was stationed at the Castle, as a coast watch, in WWII, and was billited in one of the guest houses. the fellows were allowed to use the Neptune pool when off duty.
Having fun. We hit the Peir, Regan Library, DT Hollywood & Bev Hills for dinner last night. CA is Fricken freezing every time I come here. It gets nice around 1-4pm and then the sun goes down and the chill sets in. Looks like the houses are built to keep the heat out here. The houses are on slabs so the floor is cold, especially on the italian tile floor we are walking on here. Im sure that is a good thing when the temps are in the 80s and 90s in the summer. I like the Simi Valley area where Gerd lives, some really cool vistas from the Regan library. I also ran into Topanga Canyon rd off of PCH 1. Sandy was tired but I had to check it out after seeing Jim's videos. Very cool curves. I had two sick passengers but at least I can say I drove that road.
Got to visit with the Grzynkowicz's yesterday for lunch along with the guamaniac, good to see Marty and Sandy again, the boys, not so much..
Only kidding, Ha Ha, I think everyone knows how I feel about kids..
They should be seen, and not heard, old saying for you youngsters...

Did you guys get to see any whales? I never get skunked at that spot in P.V. have fun & I'll see you in Carlisle....
Marty and Sandy came by and we had a wonderful night
great stories about Bill as he roomed with them when we did the Palm Desert trip two years ago and we all met for the first time.
Dinner tomorrow night
vince jimmy u interested
Oh Vince, the kids are coming to Carlisle they loved uncle Vincey
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