Have a Happy and Safe 4th All!
I remember as a kid making a homemade fireworks display.
This particular adventure cost my good friend and I a weeks worth of various lawn mowing jobs(and a new evergreen tree ...read on) We sat on the front porch with a case of proudly purchased sparklers and a hammer, knocking off the gun powder from the sparklers onto newspaper(with me so far?)a pipe had been well secured with a sledge hammer into my parents front yard at a 80 or so degree angle. Pouring the gun powder and M-80's with the fuses snipped off into the pipe spaced every few inches, topping this little homemade Roman Candle display was a sparkler for the fuse. At the request of the'Ole Great Wise One....Dad, we took shelter behind a nearby evergreen tree.
Things for unknown reasons just didn't quite go as planned as we pondered it might not, just before the sparkler fuse did it's thing.
The sparkler fuse burned down and mated with the loose gun powder AND lets not forget the 6 M-80's, we got an intense lesson in Pyrotechnics as the entire mother load decided to honor July 4th, 1965 all at once.
The explosion that followed was heard and felt throughout the neighborhood, a couple of hundered pounds of quality top soil involuntary relocated for a much better place on this earth.
( Did you know that it can... rain dirt?)
When the smoke and dirt had settled we looked like a couple of B & W cartoon characters ....
Epilog: The following day I had to go with my father to pick out a very nice live balled evergreen to place in the 30" hole.