Hey! I just read Will’s link to the beginnings of Thanksgiving.....good read, and thanks, Will!
Since we’re surrounded, here, by many native tribes of people that predated the Pilgrims by a few thousand years (We have the Hassanamisco, here in Grafton), we’re always presented with a bit more of the historical details of that era, and some of it showed up in my Google News feed, today, so here you go:
BTW: Two children, both boys, were born on the Mayflower during their 2+ month journey. Oceana Hopkins was born at sea and did not survive the first, grueling year (read article above). Peregrine White was born onboard after the Mayflower returned from an aborted sail to the mouth of the Hudson River (where they were originally headed) but they faced heavy headwinds and turned back. Peregrine lived until 1704 and became a leader of the colony as it prospered.
And yes, we still have a bunch of Hopkins and Whites around here. Us Nichols’ came over in the late 1700’s and after.
This is all great trivia for your conversations tomorrow!! “Hey, did you know.......!”