Every car hobbyist has a line in the sand, over which they won't step, because it offends some internal sense of order. For some, only an authentic 356 will do, for some an authentic 356 outlaw does the trick. For others like us, a replica makes sense, both aesthetically and financially.
Of course, authentic 356 owners have no monopoly on snobbishness, do they? Some replica owners sneer at anything but air-cooled, and that's fine with me.
I'm not a mechanical engineer by any means, and many if not most of the posters on this site have lots more automotive knowledge and experience than I do. However, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to compare data between Subi and VW/Porsche. Cost, reliability, availability of parts, stock hp options, bolt on availability to increase hp, etc., etc. Chip technology, fuel and hp mapping, ecu's are just some of the options available to Subi's. These are for the most part 4-cylinder opposed engines, after all, not in line 6's or V-8's. In addition, there are hundreds of Subi tuning shops, and thousands of hobbyists that are constantly stretching the boundaries of what works for the street, dd's, track, or some combo.
What is the average age of our air-cooled hobbyists? I know they're not ALL old geezers like me, but we are an aging group. Go to some of the Subi sites. These are kids, man, enthusiastic, sometimes broke, kids who want to go fast and love cars and Subi engines.
There will always be a dedicated group of air-cooled owners, and a few real masters of development like Jake. I applaud their dedication and skill. For my money, it's a no-brainer, and Subi makes sense. Then again, my line in the sand is WAAAAAAAY over there. Enoy your rides! We all have MUCH more in common in our love of cars than our few small points of disagreement.