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my wife and i spent a bit of time there and loved it. Here is a top 10 (12) list we put together for some friends that were going:


1) If you're allowed to bring two suitcases on the airplane do it. Fill one with your clothes, toiletries, etc. and fill the second one with food. Yes, that's right, food. Spices, granola, rice, pasta, granola bars, peanut butter, saran wrap (yeah, I know it's not food, but you're going to need it to pack your lunches), etc. You won't believe the prices at the grocery stores in Maui. You'll think this idea's strange until you get there... then you'll thank us. (To get groceries, go to Costco on the way in from the airport if you have a Costco card, or go to Safeway in Lahaina. It would be worthwhile getting a Safeway card if you don't have one... we didn't have one and watched others save a ton after using their card.)

2) Go see Warren & Annabelle's magic show in Lahaina (but make sure that Warren, not a guest, is performing). Tips: Go to the late show, but don't pay for the dinner... pay for just the show. While check in is at 7:30pm, you'll have cooked dinner and, therefore, will arrive around 8:00pm after most of the theatre goers have finished dinner. Order cheesecake (share one... they're huge) and then you'll head into the actual show along with everyone else. Don't spend too much time reading the web site. It will spoil the surprises. You should get your tickets when you first arrive in Maui as the show typically sells out a week in advance

3) Visit the Ono Gelato Company in Paia!!! Get a scoop of the Ferrero Rocher and another scoop of coconut and think of me... yum! A well spent $15 Canadian. Heck, it's not like you're going to be eating out once you see the dinner prices on the island.

4) Oh yeah, and go to Paia! Paia was our favorite town. Very eclectic! We heard that there was a great health food store there, but didn't visit as we'd already bought our groceries

5) Drive the three roads that the rental car companies tell you not to drive (you only live once): (1) Drive beyond Big Beach in Makena to the lava fields at the southern most point on the island. And, while you're there, go to The Aquarium!!! Supposedly The Aquarium is the best snorkeling on the island... but, when we were there, there was a sign and a fine (a big one) if you crossed over into it before the summer of 2009. But, we missed the sign anyways (yes, please Phil, put us on the Amazing Race) and, like lemmings, followed everyone else down a different trail. Of course, we had to get to the front of the lemmings and proceeded to hike an hour or so before winding up at a... wait for it... lighthouse. Yes, not the best hike ever... but, we can now say we hiked on lava, I guess. Plus, when we arrived back at the parking lot some 2-3 hours later realizing that we had wasted precious time taking the wrong trail and NOT swimming in The Aquarium, we saw the closed sign. Thank heavens for small miracles. (2) Drive West Maui. Yes... drive between Honokohau and Wailuku. Our favourite day was driving from Napili around the western portion of the island in a clockwise direction... very important. More on West Maui in a sec. (3) Drive between Kipahulu and Nuu during your Hana hell day. It may be one of the longest drives of your life (well, second to some of those bus rides you've taken in foreign countries), but well worth the bragging rights the next day when someone tells you they did the road to Hana and turned around at Kipahulu (the Seven Sacred Pools). "Ha ha", you'll say, "Didn't you know that you could have circumvented Haleakala without turning around." What you won't tell them is how much your butt hurt after miles of unpaved road.

6) Go to Makawao. Excellent, boutique clothes shopping for the ladies. Bring $$s. Stop at Komoda Store for a fresh pastry (it was closed by the time we reached it at 2:00pm coming down from Haleakala, and I'm still a wee bit pissed off).

7) Do the West Maui drive... clockwise... did I mentioned this? Do the 30 minute hike to the blowhole, but be sure to wait for a big swell - AMAZING, take a dip in the Olivine Pools (if you can find them) (I think the "mile marker" directions on this web site are correct only if you're driving counterclockwise around West Maui... which you won't be doing), but most importantly stop at the green stand in the village of Kahakuloa and have the best banana bread on the planet. Buy two. One for the rest of the drive and one to enjoy during the rest of your stay. I am still trying to decide whether I'd rather have my wife or a loaf of Julia's banana bread on a desert island with him. Simply transcendental.

8) Ok, Hana. Do Hana. Whatever. It's a twelve and a half hour day door to door. Bring snacks and good company. Leave on or before 7am in the morning. I repeat... leave your hotel on or before 7am in the morning unless you want to be in a tourist caravan. This day includes the bum numbing drive between Kipahulu and Nuu. I say you must see the Black and Red Sand beaches. I'd vote for the Red Sand beach in Hana as it is less touristy. Make sure you actually get to the Red Sand beach though. I could see where the beach before the 'actual' Red Sand beach could have passed for it. Red Sand beach wannabe :)

9) Snorkeling: Go to the five graves / five caves but enter the water just past the grave yard for easy access to the sea life and turtles instead of going in at Makena Landing Also, Black Rock (right near where you are staying) is supposed to have excellent snorkeling Buy your snorkeling gear at the ABC store (there is one right near your hotel) If you pay about $19.99 you'll get a good mask and snorkel. Rent your fins for the week... don't go through Boss Frog (timeshare scams)... check out Snorkel Bob's instead at

10) We stayed at Napili Bay Surf Resort. Napili Bay is beautiful and has a beach that you'd probably miss if you weren't staying on or near it. Worth a visit.

11) Hike or bike on Haleakala (not down Haleakala). We were fogged in to about two feet in front of our face the day we went. The fog sidelined our plans to do either of these two activities. Plus, I started to get a headache from the altitude, so our plans to stay up at the summit and hike or bike were foiled. My suggestions: hike the Sliding Sands trail into the crater or rent bikes in town and then do the Skyline Trail The hitch is that you'll need two cars to do this trail. But, ooooo, I wanted to do it when we were there.

12) Luau: You want to see a luau in Maui, but don't want to pay the exorbitant fees? We've got a secret for you. Go to 505 Front Street in Lahaina and eat at a restaurant called Hecocks (as per another friend that used this list of tips, we understand that this IS NOT the correct name for the restaurant... however, our friend was easily able to locate the restaurant using the 505 Front Street address). The restaurant provides you with almost perfect seats for the luau and you're under cover if it starts to rain Here's the official Feast at Lele web site so you can coordinate show times I think Hecocks (or whatever it is called) also had drink specials until 5:00pm, so you should be set for the night.

Mahalo and best wishes for a wonderful trip!



1) If you haven't already done so, rent a car. Discount car rental seems to have the best rates

2) Don't leave food open in your hotel room. The ants will come a marchin'.

3) if you care: Oprah has a home in Kula (after you drive past Hana). Right around this part of the drive to Hana, you can also see the Venus Pool Worth a look / swim.

4) Charles Lindbergh's grave is in Kipahulu

5) Hands down, the best guide book for Maui is "Maui Revealed" Get it and you'll be set.
Been there 6 or 7 times. Gotta add to the list of things 2 do: ;o)
On the way to Hana: The lava caves. VERY Cool. It's a tour you can take. You'll be
doing some of the spelunking you've only seen on TV show. Pretty darn cool.

On the way to Hana: The powered ultralight flight. It remains one of the coolest things I've ever done (did it about 10 years ago). And your pilot (Armin) is such a cool dude. You will have a BLAST. Here's a Youtube link: THis video wont really show you what you experience... the wide angle lens sucks. And Armin is playing some good music and talking to you durning the entire flight. Lots of interesting knowledge. WAY COOL!

Been to the "fish bowl" snorkeling a few times. Definitely worth the walk. Bring some nice reef walking shoes. The lave is SHARP.

Up by Haleakala: The horse rides down into the volcano are not to be missed. Looks like your on the surface of another planet.... on a horse. Can't get better.

In "Upcountry": The ATV rides (guided w/ a lunch) will show you some of the remote neat areas 95% of tourists will never see. You can also see some cattle. Who knew Maui had cattle? hehe

Mango nailed a bunch of other stuff too. Good calls. Although I didn't think the food was terribly priced. Great sushi bar in Kiehi: Sansui They also have one up near Kaanapali/Napili.

Swimming with the turtles (kayak rides) is pretty neat down by Makena area.

Also there is a snorkeling tour where they take you out on a huge (20 person) powered raft. Out on the backside of Kahoolawe Island. THere is some SPECTACULAR snorkeling there.
Saw hundreds of dolphins swimming right next to the boat going out and coming back. Also a mama and baby whale about 100 yards away.

If you're daring, there is a speedboat tour you can take with about 15 other people, down near Makena area (they will take you south down by the lava flow). It's not all fast, dont worry. They'll take the boat inside a cave and spin it around and come shooting out as the water goes in the cave. As you're leaving the cave the water comes shooting out. Pretty cool. Lots of nice houses you'll see, which you cant see while driving on the roads. Great tour.

Great hike, if you go to Iao Valley. It's a jungle out there. But designed for walking. It's were the Hawaiian kings and such hung out. and were killed. Good times. ;o) GREAT scenery though. Cant be missed.
Forgot: If you go to Honlua bay (north west side) I've been snorkeling out in the middle of that bay seeing all kinds of fish and turtles. Chased a huge turtle around for 5 min. and even touched his back foot (I know, I'm going to jail). There are kinda 2 bays there... go to the one on the north most part. There are trails going down to the bay if you park you car on the side of the road.

FORGOT: Mango forgot to mention too: Hide everything in your car if you park somewhere remote. Cannot begin to tell you how many windows I've seen smashed laying on the ground near those remote areas. In the book Mango mentioned, it'll tell you the same. Hide everything. And bring the expensive cameras etc.. with you if you don't want to loose them to a thief.

OK... I'm spent. ;o)

Have FUN!! Mahalo!!
Sorry won't be hopping any further then Oahu this time. Maybee next time we can hook up. I will say I missed my speedy on Maui, it would have completed paradise for me....

Thank you for ALL the info..... great help. Ever thought of being a travel advisor? :)

To the rest of the "riff raff" :) thanks.
Wow what a contrast between Maui and Oahu.... It would be a lot harder for me to return to San Diego if I was still in Maui. Oahu ot too busy for me and not my idea of paradise... I do like the north shore and recomend getting a 4x4 when traveling up there for the roads that your told not to take.... ;) Can you say I got my moneys worth out of this rental car and I only had three wheels on the ground at times.... :() I went to Pearl Harbor today and I must say that even given the fact that my Great Grandfather had told me alot about that day and what he went through earning his first of two Purple Hearts as well as many other metals throught out his time with the Navy. We do not say thank you enough to the men and women that live and die for our freedom. It was a moving day to say the least....
Well gotta get some sleep another day of adventure awaits Thursday.. Good night.....
For what it's worth to our next visitors. Oahu has been spoiled, avoid it if you can and take your vacation to the outer islands.
I was born and raised on Oahu left in 82 as I felt it was getting to crowded. Moved to Kona and found the best diving and fishing I'd ever seen. But Kauai is where my heart has been since my first trip as a toddler.

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