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or maybe one with patina for $15-
I have a spare '68 one but think it secures bulb with springs.
Vintage Speedster has them but they can be made out of any 12 gauge aluminum scrap stock from a scrap yard . I have scraps like that right now. They are held in the head light tubs with large rivet that I also have lots of..
The bad news is, It will cost more to ship them than they are worth.. Un less I drop them ofF at he P.O. Via snail mail
12 guage aluminum stock 2x2.5 is all you need for each, and you bend a 1/2 inch angle on it and grind that angle part to match the headlight rings curvature.
But it is a easy part to make.
Anyone notice the basketball texture in the housing?
Send me a email with a Mail address. and I will pop out a head light and copy you a pair like mine. I will also grab you a hand full of 30 rivets or so . They are the same ones used to set the forward lower windshield trim.
You will have to buy some 1/8 washers to go on the other side for support when installing them.
I got plenty... Just be patient with me.. It's been a busy 2 weeks and next week isn't looking good ether
I have the same floating headlight problem. I can make anything I need and can attach to the fiberglass bucket but do not understand how you have the bracket attached to the headlight assy. Can someone post a picture?
thanks, craig
The "hook" is riveted to the inside top of the headlight bucket. Nothing attaches to the headlight.
Believe its pictured in the CMC build manual. It looks like a piece of bent galvanized duct tin.
yup my fiberfab headlight retaining bracket looks like poop, I made some for my bug's fiberglass fenders out of some aluminum angle trim&screwed them to the bucket with nuts&bolts,but havent looked ub=nder the 356 to see it it's axsessable like the bug was,they both take the same head light assy.I cant for the life of me understand why the headlight bucket wasent molded with the body. instead of ataching it lator like it was done.
Thanks to all. I found a picture in one of the old threads.
Easy piece to replicate.