If you are starting from scratch in a place as cold as Montreal, you might want to just forget about the "though the frame" heating system. The problem is two fold-
First is the routing of the heated air through the frame. The frame is cold in the winter, and heat from the exchanger is going to transfer to the frame before it heats up your feet. The frame is a big heat sink, and steel conducts heat pretty well. If you run through the frame, your air better be pretty hot to start with.
Which brings us to the second problem- the air temperature. The problem with a stock VW style set-up using the engine fan (drawing engine bay air to supply the heater circuit), is that in cold (midwestern) weather when you need heat the most, your heat exchangers are being supplied with air that is cold- really cold. No matter how good the heat exchanger is (and they are not all equal), you are only going to get so much of a temperature rise from them. 0 deg air in isn't ever going to give you 100 deg air out, unless the air is moving very slowly (which it isn't), and even then the small volume of air wouldn't put a dent in the leaky cabin of a speedster.
I have a hardtop, and it is my mission to be able to drive this car when it is 10 deg outside. The first order of business is to seal up the air leaks- and there are many. If you can stop air infiltration into the cabin, you're body will create a reasonable amount of heat, and you're battle will be half over. The second step is to run non- heat conducting ducts from the heat exchangers into the cabin. Use PVC pipe or something- just not the frame rails. The last step is the final frontier for me- to figure an elegant way to run recirculated cabin air into the heat exchangers to be reheated. I'll need a fan, and to modify the exchangers, but I've got what I think is a good idea. I'll also need to be able to introduce some fresh air for de-fogging, but I think I've got that covered too.
Heating these cars is the hardest thing about enjoying them. Some guys just buy a 12v electric blanket, which is a good idea. George is putting a gasoline heater in his new car- a fantastic idea if you've got George's know-how and money. I thought about a gas heater, and still may someday, but I am so far over budget now- I have to draw the line somewhere. Good luck.
(Message Edited 1/11/2003 7:22:04 PM)