Is that the one that was on the Samba for a while?.
Can't wait to see what you do with it!
I don't know if it was on The Samba. I found it on Craigslist in midstate NY. The car was in Harwinton, CT, and the guy said he'd tried to sell it a couple times before but not too hard. By the paperwork, it was ordered in 2006 but not delivered until 2009. The original buyer had the transaxle built, stocked up on a bunch of extras from Fibersteel, but the economy had changed enough by then that he had to let it sail.
So my guy bought it in 2010, put tires on it, rolled it into his shop and left it there while he built other stuff (he's got a Rotary-powered Super 7 in there, and a small Ford V8 he's making for something else, and an AC flat 4 that's going in something else). Nice guy, nice shop, but the Spyder wasn't getting done.
My hope is to build this one in 18 months or so and work out the kinks for a few months or a year (1,000 miles, say), then sell it for enough to at least sort of justify the time spent. If all goes very well I'll hang my shingle out and try to live up to Alan's reputation. I hear some people really like Subaru motors but are afraid to swap them in themselves...
I have some ideas I want to try with the car. I like period details more than modern touches. But in the main, I figure I'll be in for some frustration with the build. Things like (just noticed) "do these super-cool rear disc brakes not have any provision for the emergency brake cables and drilled handle I have?"
We shall see.