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Kathy and I drove by The Paint Saint this morning and Whitecloud was sitting out front with her smile back (Kathy's words). It's easy to get anthropomorphic with these cars, isn't it?

So happy to have my second girl back.


I dare you to not see the smile on the girl below...


For the poor, every day brings trouble, but for the happy heart, each day is a continual feast! 

Proverbs 15:15


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Need weight up front?  You can easily figure what weight is needed by having a half tank of gas then gather 10 lbs. of stones ( use your bath scale) put then in a strong bag or container setting them close to the battery, now go for a ride adding or deleting stones until you like what you have . Weigh the bag of stones to arrive at a weight..... use a piece of flat steel secured under the battery or bolted vertically to the axle beam.

Ted's figured it out; since the hood was coming off the car I was interested in what one of the damn things weighed. I know someone who does carbon fiber and I was interested in what would be saved. Don't know if it would ever get done, but I was just curious. Didn't know it would be such a big deal...

Greg- I'm guessing 22 lbs?

Al, I took my postage scale down to The Paint Saint (body shop) to weigh the hood when they removed it from the car.

The scale wasn't able to register it as it was over the scale's limit.

I've been meaning to take our larger shipping scale to the shop to weigh the (old) hood but just haven't, no other excuse.

I'm heading there Monday to pick up the old hood handle and I'll weigh the old hood then, I promise.

and Kathy and I are working on 44 years and I've never, ever done anything wrong...

And what does the scale weigh?

Enquiring minds want to know.  

Maybe you can weigh the hood handle and we can use algorithmic extrapolation to guesstimate the weight of the hood. (Hey....It works for hard disk error correction, right?   Give me 128 bits and I can rebuild anything!)

Sorry.  It's an off night and there's nothing else on......   

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

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