Lately I've been using the car to drive around and do errands since the weather here has been sort of favorable for the past few weeks. The car has been running fine all along. Today, though, it was perfect until I started to hear a rhythmic hissing, sucking sort of sound that seemed to come from the left bank of cylinders. I thought it was the fan or fan housing rubbing but it checked out alright. I noticed that the car started to expel black smoke even at idle and that smoke sort of hurt my eyes (makes them sting); so that leads me to believe it's suddenly running richer. I also noticed that it was missing and sputtering slightly while in first and second gears; as it revved up higher (from 3rd gear up) the problem would go away. I checked the CB Performance jet doctors (over the idle jets) I installed some time ago as well as the main jet stacks and verified they were fully seated. I'm somehow suspecting plugged idle jet (s). What I still don't understand is that sucking sound; what could it be? Maybe a broken gasket? (I checked if the manifolds were fully tightened on the heads and I snugged them a little more but they seemed fine).
Now; I'm a firm believer of the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" credo so I haven't touched any adjustments on the car since it's been running fine. What can it be??
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