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I am new to the forum and am seriously considering purchasing a new Speedster. I'm originally for Calfifornia, but now make may home in the Chicago area. With that in mind, there are not a lot of Speedsters on the road here. Therefore, any help you could provide would be appreciated. For starters, here are a couple questions:

1)I'm looking for a weekend car and occasional day to day driver to work (12 miles). As a first timer, I'm tyring to be sensetive to a budget but not be penny wise and pound foolish. Any recomendations for turnkey manufactures that offer solid value!

2)How much should I expect to invest and what features are a must?

3)What color combinations (exterior/interior seem give you the vintage look and are also good for resale...should I ever decide to sell the car.

Sorry to pack in so many questions. Any feedback at all wouuld be apprecaited.

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I am new to the forum and am seriously considering purchasing a new Speedster. I'm originally for Calfifornia, but now make may home in the Chicago area. With that in mind, there are not a lot of Speedsters on the road here. Therefore, any help you could provide would be appreciated. For starters, here are a couple questions:

1)I'm looking for a weekend car and occasional day to day driver to work (12 miles). As a first timer, I'm tyring to be sensetive to a budget but not be penny wise and pound foolish. Any recomendations for turnkey manufactures that offer solid value!

2)How much should I expect to invest and what features are a must?

3)What color combinations (exterior/interior seem give you the vintage look and are also good for resale...should I ever decide to sell the car.

Sorry to pack in so many questions. Any feedback at all wouuld be apprecaited.

Hi Tim. I purchased a turnkey Speedster from Vintage Speedsters about 10 months ago. It is the only car I own and I drive it every day. I have been very pleased with the product that Vintage puts out. Everything you've probably read about Kirk being a trustworthy guy is very true. That's not to say that I haven't had my share of problems with the car - they are not production vehicles. But I have had a real blast working out the bugs and reading the great advice you get on this forum. If I were to do it again, I would stick with Vintage. Just my two cents. I'm sure you'll get plenty of different opinions.
Tim welcome aboard!!!
I use my car mostly as a weekend toy.Some times I drive it to work during the week (7 miles).Since you talk about features,are you planning of driving the car during winter? Then you may consider one with windows and heat.(I do not have windows or heat on mine).Are you looking for one that has bigger engine other than a stock 1600cc?disc brakes or drum brakes.Those are some Q's to think about.

About color combination you can go wrong with red,white,ivory,black,silver.

You can find a nice example in the low teens.

About CMC's it is a hit and miss situation.Cory is not happy with his CMC,but I am with mine (considering the amout of money I spend).

Tim, I'm giving you the same advice I've given everyone this year - Come to Carlisle! You'll be able to see Speedsters from every maker and of every style and equipment level all in the same place. Most of the makers will be in attendance along with examples of their cars. Someone is sure to offer you a ride or even some drive time. A number of us will be assembling a Beck Speedster (to be mine :-) on site during the show. We also have dinners and other activities planned.

It's absolutely the best thing you can do to learn about these cars, and it's a lot of fun, too! Check out for details. This is the Kit and Import car show running from May 19 through the 21st. Hope to see you there!
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