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What a glorious morning it was! I went to Lowe's to get some varnish and stopped by Starbucks afterward for a fru-fru coffee that had far too many syllables in its name. The weather was so perfect that I just couldn't go straight home. "Just a short trip over the connector to the Isle of Palms before heading home," I tell myself. Hah! Watching the boats on the Intracoastal Waterway and I was hooked. Across the Breaches Inlet bridge to Sullivan's Island (what a beautiful view that is) and through the island community the the next bridge back to the mainland. "Guess it's time to head home," I say again. Hah (again)! Down Rifle Range road under the live oaks and out on 17 for a nice higher speed run to one end of my favorite twisty backroad. Past the horse farms and wide open marshlands, with a big SEG the whole time. Then, and only then, could I head home. What a morning! How could you not love these cars?

Formerly 2006 Beck Speedster (Carlisle build car), 1964 Beck Super Coupe

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What a glorious morning it was! I went to Lowe's to get some varnish and stopped by Starbucks afterward for a fru-fru coffee that had far too many syllables in its name. The weather was so perfect that I just couldn't go straight home. "Just a short trip over the connector to the Isle of Palms before heading home," I tell myself. Hah! Watching the boats on the Intracoastal Waterway and I was hooked. Across the Breaches Inlet bridge to Sullivan's Island (what a beautiful view that is) and through the island community the the next bridge back to the mainland. "Guess it's time to head home," I say again. Hah (again)! Down Rifle Range road under the live oaks and out on 17 for a nice higher speed run to one end of my favorite twisty backroad. Past the horse farms and wide open marshlands, with a big SEG the whole time. Then, and only then, could I head home. What a morning! How could you not love these cars?
C'mon Rich, I 've heard that story before. You're just trying to scare off all of the Californians who are thinking of moving up there. Besides, I'll be paying for today's weather in July and August.

Ok, folks, in recognition that some of our brethren haven't reached the sweet spot weather-wise just yet, those of us who have should post our best recent ride tales so they can SEG vicariously through us.
Yeah, just yesterday I thought I could get the Speedy out after I finished a few chores, including settling my wife on the couch after her AM bunion surgery. By the time I was ready to go, the rain had started. I'm off work next week to play nursemaid while the wife recovers. Maybe I'll catch a break. Our weather has been all over the place. Here in OR we know not to count on sunny and dry until July 5. Between now and then it's anyone's guess. After that it is usually sunny and mild with no humidity, at which point we completely forget about how awful the rainy season was.
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