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Hi All -

I lost my horn this weekend. I figured it was just the button, but even grounding the lead in the steering column will not activate it. I have 12v at the horn.

I pulled out the manual I printed from this site. I think it may be from a different manufacturer, as my vintage has far fewer fuses under dash - and they are all intact (hence the 12v at the horn). I am thinking there is an issue with the ground lead that comes up through the steering column. 

Here my question - anyone ever fish a new wire through the column? Any direction on where it exits? I have looked all over the steering box and don't see anything (which may be my entire issue).

Thanks in advance -

Scott S

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Easy  : The mounted horn gets 12v power from + wire the master cylinder brake light switch to one terminal on the horn, the other terminal is the ground wire that is routed over the steering flex coupler ( aka rag joint)  there is a slot at the base of the column tube at the U clamp where the wire enters  the hollow tube , connects to the horn button. 

Test: Confirm with key on that you have 12v at one terminal of the horn if ok then connect a jumper wire from the other horn terminal and ground that ..the horn will sound...if it works,  then the problem is the ground wire that runs up the column and or, horn button. 


I think what you'll find is that BOTH terminals of the horn will show 12 volts - well, sort of.

One will show battery voltage (about 12.5V) and the other will show about a half a volt less. Believe it or not, this is normal, owing to how the horn is wired internally. To test the horn, ground the terminal that shows the slightly lower voltage. If you ground the wrong terminal, the horn won't sound, but you'll probably blow a fuse.

Would you agree, Dr. Clock?


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