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We now have a block of 30 rooms reserved for Carlisle 2010.

The reservation dates and rates are:

Thursday May 20th. $77.96
Friday May 21st $113.96
Saturday May 22nd. $113.96

We have a complimentary hospitality room for Friday and Saturday.

The rooms are blocked under the reservation name:
"Speedster Owner's Group.
Our reservation is NOT.... on the Hotel Web Site, please call Hotel Carlisle directly to reserve your room @ 800 692 7315 / 717 243 1717.
Reservation cut off date is April 20th. 2010
Check in 3:00PM Check out 11:00AM
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We now have a block of 30 rooms reserved for Carlisle 2010.

The reservation dates and rates are:

Thursday May 20th. $77.96
Friday May 21st $113.96
Saturday May 22nd. $113.96

We have a complimentary hospitality room for Friday and Saturday.

The rooms are blocked under the reservation name:
"Speedster Owner's Group.
Our reservation is NOT.... on the Hotel Web Site, please call Hotel Carlisle directly to reserve your room @ 800 692 7315 / 717 243 1717.
Reservation cut off date is April 20th. 2010
Check in 3:00PM Check out 11:00AM
And for a couple of dining changes for 2010:

The All Star Cafe is no more - It's shuttered and the sign is gone, so Wild Bill and I will be working on a different place (I vote for the Soda Jerk for a lot of reasons).

The Saturday evening dinner will be a Buffet in the Clarion Banquet hall of the Hotel Carlisle with the following menu:

Choice of:
Tossed Salad w/ house Dressing
Certified Angus Beef Clod Heart of Beef (I haven't asked what this is yet, but it sounds like a medallion to me)
Chicken Marsala
Stuffed Flounder
Roasted Red Skin Potatoes
Fresh Bean Medley
Assorted Pies or Cakes

$24.95 each

Those of you who attended the buffet at the Hotel Carlisle last time will remember it being very, very good with excellent service from the staff, so I'm looking forward to this.


Oh, and if a bunch email me and would prefer seafood newburg, rather than the flounder, we can probably do that, instead. We had that last time and it was excellent.

This year, the Hospitality room was RM 111. K and I were in 109. When we headed back to Beaufort in September, we stayed a couple of days at the Hotel Carlisle and ended up in, you guessed it, RM 109.....
El Guapo y el Hefe, Supremo:

Glad to see you're recovering from Jet Lag (and we all know it's always easier going East-to-West).

I'm looking forward to 2010! By that time I may get to see Pearl again!!! And if I work real hard all Winter, I'll have an engine-less, finished car on a trailer to show at Carlisle, 2010 (shades of the early Hoopty!) Then, the rest will be up to Chris to get an engine and tranny in it.

So the search has begun for (a.) someplace just as cool to go on Friday and (b.) someone just as cool as Bruce Meyer as our dinner speaker. I know Todd English well enough to ask him, but he's not into cars. Oh, well....anyone for a cooking class???

(el guapo del menor, y un bueno hombre)
OK, you bunch of slackers! LMS and I are booked into the hotel and waiting to see Pennsylvania again! Try to have it drier and warmer than it was two years ago, eh? And, Lane, don't you owe me a dinner???

Jack, you can get the trophy for longest drive but I am looking for another trophy for longest trailering !!!

Happy Trails,
Dusty and the Lovely Miss Sharon


Images (1)
  • Trailer with Speedster II

Really nice sail you got there on your "Prairie Schooner".

Does the Speedster get better gas mileage when it's drafting that sail real close like that??

BTW: when Chris and I did the Rolex race last February, we took the elevator to the top of the Daytona Grandstand. When the doors open and you get out on the top floor, right in front of you, across the lobby, is the entrance to the "Featherlight" hospitality suite.

So very glad to hear that you and the Lovely Miss Sharon will be coming, yet again, to Carlisle. Y'all both missed a pretty good (and DRY) time last May, but we'll try to have a good'un for you next year, too. Rest assured that there will STILL be a LOT of trucks on the streets of Carlisle for you to avoid, we'll have terrific evening cruises to dinner and we'll have plenty of vegetarians for you both to eat!

Kathy, Chris and I will be there - maybe even Pearl (she's up with Chris for the Winter)! Just another stop on the "Great Northern Migration" between 'los Dos Casas de Nichols' - del Norte y del Sur

Funny, last year I made my reservations before New Years. I called a couple weeks ahead just to confirm also. Then I got there, and they put me in the carriage house across the way. Must have been me and Alan's "favorite professional" behind the desk!

I am glad the dinner will be there, though, it was awesome in 2006. And generally, the accomodations are pretty good. Thanks all for your continued efforts.
I actually thought of stopping there overnight going to Massachusetts a couple of weeks ago when we went up I-81, but it just isn't in the right place for a "middle of the trip" overnight for me.

Just like Christiansburg, VA is way too far South for me, Carlisle is a bit too far North (by an hour or two).

We ended up in Martinsburg, West VA, overnight, and that seemed an easy day (except for the 10 mile backup on I-81 while still in Virginia due to an accident). I could have pushed it another hour or two after dinner and been in Carlisle around 7pm, but going I-81 for me is the long way (about 1.5 - 2 hours longer).

If we were just going to Carlisle, though, I would probably take I-95 to I-270 to I-81 and get there around 5:30pm the same day, rather than taking two days and then getting there before 2pm the second day.

I'm jus' sayin'.......My butt is draggin after the first day in the saddle, even in the truck. I would probably be deaf after a day in my speedster.........not to mention wicked stiff.

OK, OK......

A Russian and a Chech researcher managed to get permission to study Grisly Bears in Yellowstone Park.

They set up camp about 20 miles out into the bush in an area that they figured had good chances of seeing bears, especially since this was prime bear mating season.

After about three days, the park rangers hadn't heard from them on their supplied radios, so they sent a couple of rangers out to investigate.

They arrived to find the camp site ravaged, no researchers to be found and a pair of bear tracks leading away, one male, one female. They followed the tracks until they diverged, decided to follow the female and came upon her a short time later.

They decided that they had to kill the bear to find out if she had eaten one or both of the researchers, so they got out their rifles and took her down.

After opening up the bear's stomach, they found that only the remains of the Russian researcher were inside.

"Do you know what this means?" one ranger said to the other.....

"Yeah.....It means that the Chech is in the Male!"

D'ja hear me toot on the way past Chambersburg?

Musta been about 8:30am.

We were all thinkin about'cha!!!

Well, to be honest......we got on the road about 6am, so by Chambersburg the dogs were already sleepin in back and K and I were listening to the "Car Talk" guys on the IPOD, but you get the idea.......We tooted anyway.

I had ten hours of "Car Talk" on the IPOD for this trip and we listened to the last one somewhere near Columbia, SC on the trip home. Gonna have to find something else for the trip to DC soon.......

Have you heard the "Car Talk" joke about the Russian and Chechoslovakian researchers who were studying Grisly Bears?

OK, Gents,

Better sign up quickly! There is Dickson College graduation on the same weekend. As most know, I'm an Innkeeper/Owner and would prefer to cut a deal innkeeper style...3 nights in Lake Lure for 3 nights in Carlisle. Most B&Bs are full. I was surprised to find that the B&Bs have very attractive pricing. No wonder there full.
Teresa just booked ours this morning.
Just so we're all on the same page, three nights and four days means four Hawaiian shirts, right? Spooners if you got 'em?
Damn, but I'm looking forward to this. Between military deployments, the Wrench showing his ass a bit too much and having to roll outta there early ... The zany build schedule -- and my neck being jacked last year, I only remember being at the show one time from start to finish with an operational car!
I am really, really looking forward to this. I might even be able to freshen up the Sloppy Jalopy myself this year!
I'll be drafting up some more "furthest" art this year, too.

Remember the debut, anybody? It's come a long way ...


Images (3)
  • Hoopty and the Spyder III
  • Carlisle Beck II
  • Carlisle outlawry
I remember, Cory. Your functional car was my second one(2007), and 2006 was the first for both of us. Guess it's time to register soon. Any beer style requests? It's about that time too.

Lane, can't wait to see you, and Jim, and Alan, Hoss, Gordon, Bill, Bruce, Cory, Carey, Leon, my main man Lenny and just keep going. Man, it's a long list, getting longer every year! If I forgot to type your name, my fingers are tired, that's all.

See y'all soon! BTW, drove Spydie today, dang I love that car!
With great regret, I have to pull out. My wife is due 6-18. Even though this is almost a month before, I don't want to take the chance, and I wouldn't be able to enjoy the experience to it's fullest. I was really looking forward to meeting everyone and showing off my new Speedster that you helped me spec, but I really think I need to wait until next year.
Tom - Doc Howie is right about bringing your wife. Quite a few of the SOCers attending Carlisle are in the medical field (Doc Howie, me & wife, Cory, Kelly's main squeeze, et al) and would be very capable in a delivery scenario. Besides, it would be very interesting to watch Howard deliver a baby using nothing but a mouth mirror, a half hollenbach and elastic ligatures!

If you are blessed with a baby at Carlisle you could name her 'Porsche' (or him 'Turbo').

...I'm just saying...
It's actually for the same reason that I probably won't be attending this year, either. My wife is due 6/8, and the few feelers I put out about Carlisle this year have been met with more resistance than carbon fiber brakes.

I'm not saying it's completely out of the question... but it looks doubtful at best. In fact, I just brought up the fact that a few attendees have medical backgrounds and got "the look".

We'll forward pictures of the newest speed racer once he(!!)'s delivered, though.
El Guapo and I are running a "Special" for early Carlisle delivery services. Elastic traction and a Catcher's mitt should be able to deal with any emergency. Hell if it rains again, we even have brave individuals that will hold the umbrellas to ward off lightning and evil spirits. I suggest all you expectant fathers out there MAN-UP and tell the little ladies in your life that THIS is how its going to be. El and I will be setting up a MASH unit under the tent, by the row of Speedies. Afternoon deliveries get a 2 for 1 special price, depending on the insurance your carry and the deductible. If you have a pre-existing condition, 50% more, paid in advance, of course.
I've delivered a few babies -- one in a minivan, one in an elevator and one on the kitchen floor of a firehouse. None was overcomplicated, all got two clamps and a clean cut ...
I'm pretty sure we could do three in a field in the pouring rain without all those nasty hospital bills! Who wants to bring a cot and some D-5W?
Jim, you call Rampart. Howard, you call the push, Wild Bill mans the catcher's mitt and I'll start the fluids!
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