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It's actually for the same reason that I probably won't be attending this year, either. My wife is due 6/8, and the few feelers I put out about Carlisle this year have been met with more resistance than carbon fiber brakes.

I'm not saying it's completely out of the question... but it looks doubtful at best. In fact, I just brought up the fact that a few attendees have medical backgrounds and got "the look".

We'll forward pictures of the newest speed racer once he(!!)'s delivered, though.
El Guapo and I are running a "Special" for early Carlisle delivery services. Elastic traction and a Catcher's mitt should be able to deal with any emergency. Hell if it rains again, we even have brave individuals that will hold the umbrellas to ward off lightning and evil spirits. I suggest all you expectant fathers out there MAN-UP and tell the little ladies in your life that THIS is how its going to be. El and I will be setting up a MASH unit under the tent, by the row of Speedies. Afternoon deliveries get a 2 for 1 special price, depending on the insurance your carry and the deductible. If you have a pre-existing condition, 50% more, paid in advance, of course.
I've delivered a few babies -- one in a minivan, one in an elevator and one on the kitchen floor of a firehouse. None was overcomplicated, all got two clamps and a clean cut ...
I'm pretty sure we could do three in a field in the pouring rain without all those nasty hospital bills! Who wants to bring a cot and some D-5W?
Jim, you call Rampart. Howard, you call the push, Wild Bill mans the catcher's mitt and I'll start the fluids!
Lane, you're in charge of Carlisle weather.
Maybe you can convince Mom Nature to get cold and wet out of her system in the next three months, and leave that weekend nice and balmy for us.
It's up to you, Mr. Anderson. No pressure.

ECB, how's your car coming along?
Who else is still in-progress and maybe in need of a little help?

Danny, are you still taking beer requests? How about a nice, hoppy IPA?

Thanks for the heads up. I sent an email to Alan and asked him to see if he can increase the size of the block.

A heads up to all, the rooms and seats go quickly so don't be slow. I'll post the dinner arrangements and ask for reservations in the next couple of days.

My Speedster is back together and ready to be started. Just waiting for a decent day to crank it up.
Chris and Gordon: tell Karen, two weeks before or the day after Carlisle are the only birthdates allowed! Seriously though, there isn't anything like the first-born, enjoy it ALL of you. You really do have to be there, especially the first moments after birth. Chris, you will cry like a baby the first time you hold him/her!

You WILL BE MISSED! But hey, this year Cory is back, and we made it through last year. You know, it sucked that he wasn't there, but we did it anyway. We will drink MANY toasts in your honor!
ECB: Thanks for picking up the reins, MGM. If there is something I can do to help, pls say. We need to sched some shake-down runs if ever the weather sorts out. At the current rate, looks like things might melt down around Memorial Day.

Gordon: If the kid comes early (sometimes the first one does), you can still make the show, ya know. You'll just be in the way around the house anyhow. Kiss the litle tyke on the head, make sure he looks like you, and then power up that the Power Stroker, and get your butt up here. You know you want to.
Ditto !

I too am in the same bat as Gordon, my daughter in-laws due date is....the Saturday of Carlisle.
I want to be in NJ the following weekend with my 550 Spyder for a huge car show at the M & M Mars International Hdqtrs which is twenty minutes from the eager parents.
Hence, I have confirmed with the stork and requested for a five to seven day delay:) ~Alan
Gordon, since Cory is your stand-in this year you will need to train him on your fading Boston accent. I hate that you aren't going to make it, but I gotta say your priorities are correct. When the kid gets to be a couple of years old, be sure to feed them plenty of candy right before handing them back to Chris. Oh what fun you'll have ;-)

Chris - I'll also hate not seeing you at the show this year, but you're getting ready for quite an adventure. Congrats!
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